China Copperfield ([Ship-Klaxchai])



3 years, 5 months ago


NOTE: All information is from my characters point of view.

Married . All . Affectionate



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What was your first impression of the other person?

Not positive, assumed he was a fraud. I don't like folk who lie about talking to the dead.

Far too many do it for show and expect a big payout. Changed rather quick if I must say proved me wrong. I still feel bad that was my first impression of him. Positive side I thought he was a cute lookin' fraud.

Who confessed first? If you didn't, how did you react to the confession?

Oh, this is a fun one! See I don't think any real words were exchanged. Our friendship was so natural it only felt right it would be the next step. It started with a kiss goodnight, bad timing because after that I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay with him scared if I woke up in the mornin' and found it to be a dream. It just felt right and so unbelievable at the same time

Have you changed at all since being with your partner?

Well, I used to keep to myself, not one to social and all that jazz. As a couple, I do most of the talkin' so I guess I'm more social. I'm a lot less critical with my judgment of others. Learnin' my lesson when I thought he was a fraud but watchin' how other folks react to him made me quite upset. I also find myself needing physical contact I used to hate being touched I mean I still do but not with him.

What's your favourite trait or quirk of the other person?

Kaz has a lot of admirable traits, I can't forgive very easily I'm bothered by stuff and I hold onto it. Kaz doesn't do that "it is what it is" he tells me. There is a lot of stress with being mad might be why he is so calm he just lets everything go. That being said he ain't no pushover nice balance. Bless this man, he has this quirk. Getting close enough to kiss me but stops sounds strange right? He shares my breathing it's odd maybe hearin' this but for me it's romantic another way we connect and something I don't see as a norm for couples. Makes him and our relationship unique.

The hardest part of the relationship?

Now I don't want him to change a bit! I'm comfortable with my man as a person. He should only change if he wants to. Some of the ghosts he attracts can make things awkward. If I wanna talk to him however there is another soul in his body or if I require some private time in the back of my mind I think if there is a spirit watchin' us. These are just nit-picks I actually don't mind because he is helpful to those who want to move on or those who can't for whatever reason. It is hard but I also know what he does is a very good thing.

Best part of the relationship?

A lot of good things! Kaz is not only my partner but my best friend. He has taught me he makes me feel free and confident. Although the best part is when we can just lay down and hold one another. With his head on my chest with nothing but the quiet or maybe the ramblings of whatever is on TV. The best part of the relationship is a lot for me I can't pick just one.

Do you have any nicknames or pet-names for each other?

We sure do! The ones he calls me make my heart flutter! sha is so enduring but the first time he called me that, I heard chat which is cat. I assumed he was calling me a cat. So Kitten became another one. Any other man who calls me 'Kitten' would get a slap but comin' from Kaz it's sweet. I started callin' him Voodoo Man it was to distance myself from making a connection. After all, my focus was on the Sheeda not making friends but as we all know that didn't happen. The nickname became more affectionate over time.

Have you gotten any gifts that hold importance?

I have received many gifts from drawings to flowers but I would say my wedding ring holds the most importance. We were two quiet souls drifting through life the ring kinda feels like we are connected like I'm finally bonded with my soulmate. It's symbolic of our love.

Favorite things to do with your partner?

A sell-out answer but honestly anything as long as I'm in his company. Watchin' movies are always nice I can cuddle with him or when he takes me out on dates. Being creative together is always fun. I think dancing nothing more romantic taking his hand at 2am and dancing in the living room to whatever slow song is on the radio.

Favorite physical feature of your partner?

I love everything about him from head to toe but the eyes are the gateway to one's soul and he has these stunning dark eyes. I also like how expressive he is his tattoo's a wonderful display of his creative mind and his cold hands will always win me over.


Aliquam tempor ex in nisi tincidunt commodo. Nullam gravida enim ut elit pellentesque, eget dignissim augue mattis.

Praesent hendrerit purus sit amet ligula ultrices luctus. Vestibulum pulvinar egestas enim quis rutrum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id blandit sem.