


4 years, 24 days ago


Name Celine Mäkinen-Mizuhara
Nickname(s) Celi
Age 19
Birthday April 16
Height 175cm
Zodiac Aries
Gender Female
Hertiage Finnish-Japanese
Color #04236D
R. Status Single?
Traits Needy, Sweet, Sexy
Occupation Model

Supermodel on hiatus on the flashing cameras and paparazzi.

“Cherish every memory made because someday it may come at you in a flash.”


The beauty hiding away from the beasts of stardom...

Celine never really knew what an impact her looks would have for until she turned 16. While roaming around the local shopping district after finishing her classes, a scouting agent spotted her on the street and proceeded to hand her a business card to one of the most known entertainment industries in the city. She believed at the time that her apperance was not as striking as the celebrities she had seen spraweled on magazines or billboards, however with some outside encouragement she decided to arrange a meeting with the agent and start her career as a model. Life for Celi then would turn chaotic as she balanced schoolwork and going to the agency for training. Still no matter how many struggles she had to go through with the model training she would soon see a door open for her. This door just so happened to be a spokesmodel for a new skincare line called Angelic Beginnings. As she prepared to make for her debut as an actual model, little did Celi know that this one photoshoot would shoot her up into the flashing lights of stardom and fame.

Clad from head to toe in pearls and satin, Celi knew the time had come for her to make her shot. Within a single flash of the photographer's camera and the downpour of feathers and white rose petals there stood the country's next golden girl. To say the advertisments were an overnight success would be an understatement as social media became engrossed with who this real life angel was. It was only from there that more of the public knew who Celi was and as she garnered more attention to her public image that it would soon take a toll her health and sanity.


  • Cooking & Baking
  • Relaxtion
  • Taking photos
  • Tarte tatin, quiche, and parfaits
  • Unnecessary drama
  • Paparazzi hounds
  • Stalkers
  • Bugs
  • Knows how to cook
  • Does fun pop-up cooking livestreams
  • Often disguised in a face mask and sunglasses when she needs to head out
  • Enjoys going out to the beach and may frequently go island hopping
  • Has a skincare routine that also involves cruelty-free beauty products
Yuna | Friend/ Mentee

When Yuna first started out in the company, she was introduced to Celine as an idol-in-training that needed some guidance from a senior entertainer and so began their friendship. Yuna's rising stardom was able to bloom with the support of Celi and her fanbase. They're still really good friends to this day and often keep in touch even as Celi is hiding away from the press.