Basic Info


Domestic dog


Shepherd x dachshund



Sexual Orientation



Lea is a sweet girl who is very easily scared. Lea's best friend is a black widow named Spine. Yes, Spine. Weird, right? Do spiders even have spines?!  Her colors are that of autumn leaves and her fur gives off a dull sparkle that shines in the light, day or night. Lea loves to play in the leaves with Spine, though it's a little hard because she doesn't want to crush the little guy!

She was born to a litter of 14 puppies, and was certainly the biggest baby of them all. Her siblings were spookier and braver than her, so she often felt like an outcast.  She left the litter to start a new life with her new human friend, and is looking forward to being safe and sound!

Her favorite things are playing with Spine (her black widow friend), rolling around in freshly raked leaves, pumpkin pie and big Thanksgiving feasts.

Last known info on her littermates can be found here but may be out of date.