† Bone Eater †



7 years, 4 months ago


Deceased. Ascended by Vee into a God, only to be sacrificed to Kali. Survived by his two new Offspring.

It was observed from the Old Oak movement in the sunlit patch outside. An ambiguously cervine being approaches the Vulture. After a moment, he rises, dwarfing his new company, and speaks to the figure. For a while it would seem to be a one-sided conversation, with only the giant saying anything out loud, and hushed until he answers to a question.

"I wanted young." Comes the weary spirit's deep rustic voice.

The Creator smiles knowingly. When finally they speak aloud, it is through a warm androgynous echo. "And young you shall have. They will flourish under the care of another, and for as long as they so choose, they will be always be free."

The Spirit rumbles as his wings fold against his form. He dips his head as his stature rises - ever a regal being. The Creator steps forward and lays his horn upon the avian-looking head of the giant. "And like you are, they will be loved."

Between the two, a turquoise glow begins, and from the Vulture, a string of light upwards, connecting to the smaller beings' with two other localised lines branching. It intensifies as two small silhouettes form on the ground between them, taking shape of a pair of downy coated offspring. When the light dims, it's clear they are children of the two.

The Wayfarer Hart then steps a few backwards, and allows The Bone Eater a moment with his young. Something tender and warm, and full of love and adoration as the beaked giant lowers his head with a gentle purr as doting as his delicate touches.

An oppression in the air, like the rolling in of a heavy storm, starts to loom over the scene as another's presence arrives as due. The Cat waits patiently to seel her deadly promise.

And it's Eliah's last act of love that drives him to leave his children now; to melt into the golden forest and meet his fate as far from the new youths as he can, for he will not have them witness it his violent departure from this world.


Date of Birth
??/06/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy)



Long ago, The Endless Forest was a place of peace, well tended to by The Twin Gods. However, as the years went by, the population grew and strife brought more and more violence into the holy lands. This made the Twin Gods unhappy, and despite their best efforts, they could not stop the worsening bloodshed within their world.

With their hope diminished, The Twin Gods created a being who, rather than stop the violence in the forest, keeps it clean, so that newcomers may be deceived into believing that The Endless Forest remains what it was created to be.

And so they created The Vulture.



Endlessly patient.

Very attentive of his personal hygene.

Passive and immensely difficult to provoke. Either seems to lack a sense of malice or hardly acts on it.

Extremely private. Offers little to no insight into his precise thoughts and feelings. Ambiguous in his intentions. Doesn't talk much. Appears stoic.

Incredibly good eyesight; capable of spotting a rabbit from up to 3 kilometres away. Uses this ability to observe the entire forest from its many high places. He could be watching you and you would have no idea.

Scavenger of bodies. Will eat anyone, no matter their species, age, status, or even how long they've been dead for, the good their lives brought to others, or the pain and suffering they had caused; All that is dead is viewed equally through the eyes of the Vulture.

High vocal range. Although mostly silent, he often produces a deep rumble when he's interested in something. Speaks with a deep rusted voice, and should his anger ever flare, his voice deteriorates into something higher, twisted, screechy, and horrifying. Capable of loud avian sounds and screeches, deepened by his mass.

Creation of the Twin Gods and made in their image, however effected by their long term negligence. Sensitive to the fading magic, Eliah's form had deteriorated and skewed into something unlike the God's original intent, now twisted into something halfway "demonic" by the God's standards, but kept from deteriorating further by their returning attention. If not for their presence, his appearance would have continued to twist and corrupt.


The Endless Forest (Feral) Size: 15

Highly Lammergeier inspired. Lammergeier face, eyes, and markings. Fully Feathered. Adult Lammergeier plumage. Medium length feathered tail. Modified three-toed Talons for front feet with large cloven hooves on his back. Two dewclaws in the front with extra bones to allow him to safely bend them to extremes, allowing high dexterity. Thick skinned and highly calloused to support his weight. Able to grip and pick up objects. Scaly skinned front legs, avian-like. Quadruple winged with clawed hands, however flightless. Bones aren't hollow and the "arms" of his wings support muscle.

Due to the shape of his face, he looks like he's always grinning. It looks sinister, slightly skewed by corruption. Extra points on his beak, red ringed golden eyes. Feathered tufts where his ears might be. Usually unseen are the rows of uneven keratin "teeth" inside his mouth.

Slow moving due to his size and weight.

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