Basic Info






Dragon x Feline

Anthro or Feral

usually feral but anthro's fine too~


awkward and clumsy. Tip prefers being above the ground, whether flying, climbing, or jumping. she avoids daylight and prefers calm night. very skittish around other creatures, but at the same time very curious. She's playful and energetic, (but not necessarily hyper!) and very imaginative, since she avoids others and has to play by herself. she also likes wrapping her wings around herself and hiding in the darkness. because of her curiosity she tends to collect interesting things, especially if they are shiny or colorful. she does have a dragon hoard but it is not filled all with treasure: more like stuffed animals, buttons and smooth rocks. Has a tendency to act younger than she looks but this isn't always the case.


flying, night, stars, darkness, band-aids, collecting, random treasures, shiny things, soft things, things with cool textures, discovering new things, fruits, climbing, jumping, challenges


bright or flashing lights, attention, scary sounds, walking/running, ground in general, new/unexpected things that are as big/bigger than her, tripping, falling, getting hurt


thin/slender, long body. not much fat-whatever mass she has is muscle. she's not exceptionally 'strong' or 'fit', though

Anatomy Notes

short legs, long noodle body! the long fur on her back and wings is thick and soft. the rest is shorter and more coarse. her antlers are covered in velvet fuzz, like any antlers. her toes are strong and flexible, good for gripping things like stone walls, branches or food. eyes are sensitive: really great night vision but not very good daylight sight. Wings are large and opaque; wrapping them around her will block out all the light. Her belly is a soft hide, not very tough. the claws on her front feet are shorter and more manageable, making it easier to hold things and walk. Her hind claws are thicker and longer. They clack and slip on stone, get caught in the earth, and are really only useful for defense. [see designer comments, too!]


She was built as an omnivore with a main diet of meat but she prefers fruit, which means she tends to have problems with malnutrition- feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or weak. luckily this isn't very often as she will eat meat (mostly small animals), she's just too distracted and curious to catch them often. besides, sweet things taste better! when she's hungry or upset, however, she can easily take down a full-grown caribou. When hunting small animals she will play with them first like a cat might, but not in a malicious way-- more like a toy or pet... in this way she tends to loose them of forget she was going to eat them. She builds no emotional connection though and has no problems eating them when she's done. With large prey animals she will usually ambush them out of the sky.

Fighting style

defensive, flight over fight. (literally flight!) If she's not hunting she will use her wings to batter the enemy or kick up blinding dirt or rocks. She will use also use her long, strong hind claws to kick and claw at the enemy while she tries to get away.

Common Environment

sky, forest, mountains/cliffs, nature in general, night, places with big/tall trees

Obtained With

design contest winner | prizes were 300 points, a fully shaded/background piece, a lineless drawing, three icons, three chibis, a fullbody w/simple background, a custom design, custom rare swampit (2930 point value)


☆ "When I'm Up" - Great Big Sea ☆

Designer notes: "It's a galaxy themed dragon cat basically. With bat-like wings, a long slender body, antlers and reptilian/ feline features. Though a great jumper and flyer, it isn't the best runner on land. It prefer to fly or jump between trees or rocks. It also love to climb cliffs and hide in caves, prefering the darkness to the light of day as it eyes are very sensitive to light. It loves the night sky and often spend most of it's time flying among the stars. It's kinda playful and curious but very fearful and cautious." ~SharkAttackHere on dA