Jean Mercier



4 years, 12 days ago


Name- Jean Mercier
Age- 45 (30 physically. Age is 1.5x his physical age)
Title- Glacial Guardian
Species- Frigus Demon
Orientation-  Homosexual, Homoromantic.

Chalk- Any good daycare worker keeps a packet of chalk on them for whenever inspiration strikes the little tykes they deal with. He’s known to forget just who he’s loaned chalk out to, so can often be found in crafts stores replenishing his stocks.

Finger paints- His favourite medium to give kids. Do they make a huge mess? Yes. Does he enjoy tidying it up? No. But the smile on the kiddies faces makes it worth all the scrubbing and cleaning of the aftermath.

Plushies- He always keeps a plushie on him that he calls “Mr. Bear”. He always puts on a voice when he speaks on behalf of “Mr. Bear” and makes him sound like a grumpy man. Usually uses him to illustrate life lessons to kids such as “sharing is caring” and “look both ways when crossing the road”.

Notable Skill- Cryokinetic construction- As a Frigus Demon, he has the ability of cryokinesis, and more importantly, cryokinetic construction. He can make a myriad of objects out of ice. Most notably, his ice armour, which he forms out of nearby vapour or through dipping his hand in water and freezing it in shape. Often gets the kids to put food colour dye in water and he makes cool ice sculptures or makes his ice armour out of the rainbow water.

Human form- A weaker “vessel” for his magic. His body temperature is just a bit lower than that of a regular human and as such, his cryokinetic magic is much weaker. He is much more resistant to warm temperatures in this form.

Demon form- His body gets encased in a thin layer of ice and his skin turns a pale bluish white. This is usually accompanied by his species’ signature “ice armour” which demonstrates both their magical power and combat prowess. Jean can summon a full body of armour and is a relatively strong example for his species, but he dislikes the full armour due to it looking scary towards kids and his distaste for combat. He half forms his left horn to make it look broken, because that is cuter and less scary to the kids he deals with. He also only forms his ice bracers, claws and right shoulder pad.

Occupation- Day-care worker
He works as a day-care worker at a small day-care in Mahou Wando. He’s been working there for a few years and intends to continue to do so. He usually works the day shift and has his nights free. Works 5/7 days on a rota that swaps around with his co-workers so they can have different days off.

The youngest child (of 3), Jean was raised by a family renowned for their combat ability. Frigus Demons are known for their love of combat, a tradition that leads to their “entertainment” being battles between two demons. Jean’s family were essentially celebrities due to their exceptional magical abilities and strength. His mother was called the “Thunder of the Tundra” due to her magic being so powerful that it made a loud roar like thunder. His elder siblings were also exceptional combatants, his older sister following in her mother’s footsteps and his brother being an expert at cryokinetic weapon construction.

Jean’s distaste for combat led to him being ostracized from his family, as even though he could hold his own, he refused to fight and left home not long after he reached maturity. His sister remained in contact with him, as she respected him for being “rebellious” and following his heart. His mother and father however, found his refusal to be the ultimate betrayal of both tradition and family legacy. They decided to write him out of the will and rarely refer to him when asked about their children.

The detachment from his family lead Jean to be unsure of himself and relatively shy when speaking to others. He often questioned if he was “normal” or if he was a bad son for not following the family tradition. He was never given praise like his siblings, mostly berated for his interest in construction of mundane objects rather than weapons like his brother. His sister was the only positive influence in his family, often being a shoulder to cry on and the main person he’d go to for advice.

Upon leaving his home dimension, he decided to study childcare at college for a few years before going to work at various day-cares for experience. He is currently debating whether he wants to become a teacher or if he wants to continue working at a day-care. He is currently working at a day-care in Mahou Wando.

Jean is quite a shy guy, which can be seen by him often blushing or rubbing the back of his head in sheepishness. He has grown to be very modest and was not used to being complimented by his family. This leads to him being very flustered very easily, and it can often manifest in him also freezing the ground around him in embarrassment. Despite being shy, he is not “quiet”. He tends to stammer and make his sentences much longer than they need to be, so he ends up repeating points unnecessarily.

Once he warms up to somebody, he likes to try and spend quality time with them. He will often invite them to go on hikes or to even offer to help them redecorate or repaint, due to his love language being “quality time”. He can be a bit obsequious at times due to him desiring approval from others and to try and offset any chance of him becoming isolated from the few people he’s managed to befriend.

If he is angry, he ironically gives people the cold-shoulder. He dislikes conflict in every regard and so in attempts to avoid confrontation, he bottles up his feelings and refuses to discuss with the person until he has come to terms with his anger or if he’s forgotten why he got mad at them to begin with.

With the kids at his daycare, he is very attentive and listens to them speak rather than speak with them. He often encourages them to speak to him to develop their language skills, and he can often be seen allowing them to dye his ice or paint his apron. As well as this, he often lets them swing from his arms and is known to give the kids piggyback rides.


  • When around the kids he always makes his ice armour EXTREMELY rounded.
  • He only forms his ice claws to let the kids “paint his nails” but always makes the claws very rounded, making picking stuff up with them, VERY difficult.
  • When in a huff, his magic can often flare, causing him to release cold breezes that can freeze condensation around him, and often can blow his hair up into a spiky quiff.
  • He has so many turtlenecks its obscene.
  • He used to shave his scruff, so he seemed more professional, but the kids commented it made him look “fuzzy like a bear” so he decided to keep a decent amount of scruff.
  • When he goes on hikes, he often likes to paint the landscape.
  • Has a love-hate relationship with the song “Let it Go”
  • When lost in thought, he can often shift to his Demon form by accident.
  • Favourite colour is actually yellow but thinks blue looks better on him.
  • Sings in the shower. Always the coldest setting.

 Was really confused when he found out some species can’t just eat raw meat. What do you mean they put the meat into a box to make it warm but not TOO warm?