Moonlight Serene (Serene)



3 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Masterlist Number:



Basic Info
Name Moonlight Serene
Nickname Moonlight, Moony, Serene, Fluffy
Age Adult (Equivalent of 25 years old)
Birthday 26th November
Height Human - 5'4 Feral - 9 inches
Gender Female
Species Non-Legacy Monsune
Origin Plymouth, England
Ethnicity Human form: Black British
Blood Type O
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Housecat
Status Forever Homed
Worth Unknown
  • Food
  • Lounging around
  • Her feral form
  • Julien's hoodies
  • Her human form
  • Humans in general, except Julien
  • Cars
  • Loud music
  • Her weather traits are her neck and tail!
  • Julien excuses her odd behaviour as "she is a cat." Julien has no idea what cats are like.
  • She'd enjoy books a bit more if it wasn't considered odd for a cat to read.
  • Terrified of her human form cracking, so she rarely goes outside.
Hopeless Romantic. Needy . Baby . Feral

Moonlight Serene is a beautiful combination of batshit feral, and absolute baby, and it all depends on whether she stole Juliens coffee that morning.


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Julien Samways | Friend/Human

Julien Samways is the human that Moonlight Serene lives with. He believes that she is an ordinary cat that he called Fluffy, and is unaware of her being a Monsune. Moonlight thinks he is a bit of a dumbass, but pure at heart, and he should also give her more food.

Cassetti | Former friend

Cassetti was once very close to Moonlight Serene, to the point he developed hanahaki for her. However, due to his own emotions over it, he refused to force her to act on it and got the surgery, resulting in him forgetting all memories of her. Moonlight mourns the loss of her friend deeply, and worries about how Cassetti is coping now. She knows that in the past when he was alone he was a threat to himself, but she can't bring herself to check up on him when he won't remember her.

Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.