


9 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Human (Undead)


Merry Band Of Necromancers (DPS)


Started off in a cult and ended up dead, oh Andrew, how does this always happen?

Andrew's entire life has always been one mishap after another, perhaps due to his inherant clumsiness, or maybe just because he's the kind of guy who -always- finds some way to get into some kind of trouble. Whether it's talking a bit too loudly about how ugly some guy's hair is, or writing down the wrong scripture for a spell, Andrew always finds some way to fuck things up in new and spectacular ways. 

Andrew came to his (predictably) early death after blowing himself up, thus leaving him with little to no torso in his undead state. Regardless, this hasn't bothered him much as he figures that a good sweatshirt is all he needs to be a proper human again. ...Right? 

Regardless, Andrew's talent for necromancy isn't to be underestimated, and neither should his proclivities with explosives. Andrew primarily enjoys fusing machine and flesh for particularly explsoive results, creating what are literally undead bombs which he directs at...well, anything but himself. Hopefully. 

 Jared stumbled across Andrew by accident, and to his dismay, the human was so eager to join up with the bird's merry band of necromancers that it left Jared no choice but to permit him to tag along. Every minute Andrew is near, Jared can feel his long dead heart beating in his chest as he knows fully that at any given time, Andrew is only a few mishaps away from a major magical explosion.