Marcutio O. Mazed-Delrose



4 years, 5 hours ago


He was very close to his older sister Sera before she vanished, was badly shaken when she couldn't be found

Routinely goes into the woods Sera disappeared in to see if he can find any trace of her

Had a passion for biology and astrology from a young age, and was ecstatic when he earned an internship at a prestigious medical research facility

but... things quickly turned sour after discovering files on a certain experiment while snooping, and after being caught, he was threatened with harm to him and his family if he did not keep it a secret. he stopped liking biology after that, it only would bring up horrible memories.

offered to become caprie's caretaker, and was allowed this, and used this to bond with her and teach her more how to function normally

after several years of planning and secret-keeping, he managed to break caprie out and take her to live with Hemlock, a librarian who lived far up north, and he never looked back at the facility

though his family is very rich and his mothers offered to buy him a house/give him the money he'd need to buy his own, he was too shaken, bothered, and afraid he'd be found and killed to accept, and chose to build his own home in the same woods as previously mentioned.

he also built a telescope, and loves to watch the stars

anonymously donates to homeless shelters and charities frequently, never forgetting his elder sister. 

builds small shelters around the woods he lives at, just incase.