
3 years, 11 months ago


Age: 2,070

Birthday: 01-04 (April 1) (Aries)

Height: 5'08"

Gender: Trans Woman

Sexuality: Lesbian

Species: Artifice

Status: Dead (ghost)

Family: Itzal (honorary father)

Friends: Icada, Itzal, Belial, Iris, Javier

Partner: None

Likes: Icada, sex, her powers, colorful horses, gothic fashion

Dislikes: Terios, 5, 10, her home planet Iolite, rude customers

The former princess of the artifices, she was sent to help judge humanity and ended up sealing their fate when a human she loved killed her. Transitioned after death, which is easy when you're a ghost. Remained a child for many centuries, was forced to mature by an incident she doesn't talk about. Used to date Icada. 

On Iolite, she tested those who wanted to join the military. She can look into someone's eyes and see their deepest fears, and her powers allow her to manifest illusions based around those fears. Now, she just does it when people pay her to. She was banished from Iolite when it was discovered that the then queen 5 had been intimate with her.