Moonlight Gleam



4 years, 1 month ago


Moonlight Gleam- a Wind Skydancer more interested in books and study than exploration, though she isn't opposed to a good experiment. She met Discord in the Starfall Isles, where he was conducting numerous tests and studies in pursuit of eternal youth- immortality, in a sense. She was quickly swept up in it- enamored and interested in a something sought after for so long. She eagerly joined forces with him, recording anything required, doing anything required. Numerous experiments, and too late nights, spent reading and studying anything to the effect of eternal life.

In her spare time she practices magic, of all sorts, and could best any mage in single combat. She studies all the theories, and writes her own. Completes ancient unfinished spells, brews new potions, and teaches the hatchlings that wish to learn. She teaches science and first aid, as well, both interests and hobbies to her. She's most likely who you would go to for a wound, as light as a small burn, and as painful as an impromptu amputation. Part of her excellent resume was healing Winter when he was found in the Coliseum, and bringing him back to full strength with a complex mixing of magics and medical sciences.

Steady is a new addition for her- while he was with Discord longer, she only met him recently, through a series of interesting events. She finds him fascinating, and a good partner for study, and discussion. Additionally, he teaches her in the medical fields, as he is a surgeon, and knows such things, they bond over healing patients (and giving Discord another bandaid.) She's honestly delighted at how well the poly thing is doing.

She and Steady and Discord are in a committed relationship- though she and Steady met through Discord, so their relationship is a little tentative right now. But progress is going good, and she thinks they'll all make a fine team.


F Wind Skydancer

Mist Skink
Orchid Rosette
Periwinkle Capsule