Proona Anntay



4 years, 1 month ago


Sign of the Wayward





Your name is [REDACTED] and you have officially reached your word quota for the day.

You don't talk much. You don't have a lot to say and lean more towards action over words. Talking isn't really worth the effort anyways, the SPEAKERS in your HELMET were long ago damaged by sand and dust, so anything you say comes out sounding like static. You'd fix it, but you really have no need to.

You've been a MERCENARY for longer than you care to remember. Too many bloody missions have started blurring together into one big chunk of time filled with nothing but MAYHEM and STRIFE. You enjoy your work and enjoy even more the MONEY that comes with it.

Your MURDER FUNDS are always put into buying the latest and greatest in WEAPONS and ARMOR. The search for the perfect SNIPER RIFLE has sent you all over the planet and you finally found it with a budding company called PHOENIX WEAPONS.

Running SURVEILLANCE on new locations is a habit for you, going into a situation unprepared is the best way to get a bullet to the head or cut in half. RHAUS FYNGOD is extremely lucky you have this particular habit, because during one of your stakeouts, you saved his life.

In most situations you wouldn't have cared and let fate take it's course, but that troll is the best thing that's happened to the WEAPONS INDUSTRY in sweeps, so you were forced to intervene. After interrupting the assassination attempt, you got the hell out of dodge (after stealing a rifle. He owed you anyways).

Not long after, Rhaus managed to get in contact with you, offering a bodyguard contract. Between the paycheck and the access to Phoenix guns, how could you decline?

Up until that point in your life, you'd been hemoanonymous due to [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. Rhaus however hacked into the SYMBOL DATABASE and gave you one from a dead bloodline. It helps a lot to keep suspicion off your back.