Vivian Lochmara



4 years, 18 days ago


Vivian Lochmara

  • AGE 23
  • RACE Human
  • PRONOUNS She/Her

Hundreds of years ago, the very first Lochmara imbued a scarf with the magical ability to bring out the wearer's latent potential — now in the present, Vivian and her sister are the latest in this magical lineage, each sporting a single enchanted earring given to them by their mother. Vivian has an uncanny aptitude for martial arts, this in combination with her lineage's propensity for magic makes her the poster girl for the combat sport, Magical Martial Arts. Her unmatched talent in the sport makes her something of a worldwide celebrity, though she is quick to humble herself when that fame is brought up in interviews. 


Quisque odio enim, vulputate ac fermentum vel, consectetur id ligula. Ut luctus tortor sit amet nulla consectetur posuere. Morbi et nibh a quam sodales imperdiet et eu erat. Nunc lacus metus, euismod ac purus vitae, ultricies iaculis nibh. Nam consectetur suscipit nunc, quis cursus eros pharetra eu.


Duis ut aliquam massa. Ut ultrices ex erat, nec porttitor libero condimentum nec. Praesent auctor arcu nibh, eu vulputate nulla molestie consequat. Vivamus dapibus varius nisi, vel laoreet nisl volutpat id. Curabitur semper purus eu arcu elementum, non rhoncus nisl rutrum.


  • Self improvement, Striving for excellence 
  • Sparring
  • Gossip
  • Passionate people
  • Her friends
  • The beach
  • Shopping, Eating out
  • Her little sister

  • Forcing someone to be what they're not
  • Being controlled
  • Taking shortcuts
  • Her little sister

  • Vivian's flame color is fuschia because i think it is COOL!!!1
  • Vivian's enchanted accessory used to be a teal scarf, instead of an earring.
  • Vivian has been around for almost 8 years!

younger sister

Vivian and her little sister have very different ideals regarding the enchanted earrings their mother gave them. In her youth, Vivian opted to discard her earring and undergo her martial arts training without any help from her family's heirloom, vowing not to use it as a crutch and wishing for Venice to do the same — unfortunately her suggestion fell upon deaf ears. The Lochmara sisters butt heads often, but at the end of the day they still love each other and find time to see each other, even if they live in different countries.

student/sparring partner

WIP ok

best friend

Miriam had a chance encounter with Vivian while she was interning under a photographer at a magazine photoshoot. On their break, she stumbled (literally) into Vivian at the catering table, and her quirky demeanor instantly won Vivian over — the two have been besties ever since. Maybe their friendship will blossom into something more...?