


4 years, 21 days ago


NameMurasaki (birth name unknown)
Plant(Undecided )

Saint Murasaki the Incorrupt

"My faith shall not be shaken." 

A young girl who made the ultimate sacrifice and died a saint.


A young impoverished girl who was well known for selling matches was found in the bottom of a well as the buildings around it had caught on fire, her parents were no where to be seem. Miraculously she was alive, despite head trauma and falling unconscious in a cold well during winter. When the girl came too she had little memories, she remembered her father and her going to eat a hot meal near the well, a better meal than they had in a long time. With no family to be found and few willing to take her in, the people who found her decided the safest place to take her would be a shrine. One notable shrine took her in, one of the largest shrines in the nearby area, one said to be home to the goddess of the moon herself. 

The girl was taken to the shrine, she was taken in with open arms by the lead shrine maiden, Jikani. That first night there, the girl had an unexpected visitor, The Goddess of the Moon. She sat next to the young injured girl's bed and spent time with her. The Goddess knew the young girl's past wasn't one that brought comfort, and most of it was foggy from the head trauma, so the Goddess gave her a new name to distance her self from her past: Murasaki. 

After she healed the girl quickly began learning the life of a shrine maiden under the new name, Murasaki. She caught on quickly and seemed to be adapted to hard work. Murasaki was seen to have a great talent for banishing spirits, so she became known as the ghost hunter maiden. As she would find and banish oni and dangerous spirits with her Ofuda and powerful blue fire magic. 

She lived a calm and repetitive life. That was until a peculiar visitor knocked at the shrine. It was Katie, the sage of Aria holding a strange blade in a protective seal. They invited her in, Murasaki assumed the sword was haunted as Katie put it down on the table. Katie explained that she was the sage of Aria and she needed to see if Murasaki can hold the blade. The maiden's looked at each other, puzzled by the outlandish sentence. Why would she need a shrine maiden to hold a blade. Katie answered their questions before they could ask. The great Goddess needed a mortal to hold the blade but it couldn't be any mortal. The blade was made of a destructive power that would immediately cause anything it touches to decay to dust, even gods. Katie demonstrated by taking the protective seal off a part of the sword and dropping a piece of grass onto it, the grass immediately wilted and decayed into dust. The shrine maidens jumped back and shook their head. 

"Are you crazy?! Where did you get that?!" Jikani cried out

"From the great Goddess" The Goddess of the moon answered, coming down the stairs from her daily hibernation. "I knew she would come here"

The Goddess bowed at Katie's feet and the shrine maiden's gasped in shock from seeing a God bow before a Sage. "Please I'm begging you... return and say it didn't work. I do not want to loose Murasaki." the Goddess cried at Katie's feet.

Katie looked at Murasaki reluctantly. Murasaki was just a child, 9 years old. "Okay" Katie whispered. 

"No" Murasaki shouted, breaking the silence. "If this truly is from the great Goddess I cannot reject. This is a test of my faith." Murasaki stood up, she sounded brave but her hands were shaking. 

Katie's gave her a concerned smile, almost as if she knew what she was going to say "Are you sure?" 

Murasaki nodded with determination. Katie, still reluctant, removed the seal and Murasaki reached her shaking hand out to the blade. The onlookers looked away, prepared for the worst. But nothing happened. Murasaki had her hand firmly wrapped around the hilt of the blade and nothing had happened.

"Ah... does it take a second?" Murasaki giggles nervously. 

Katie stared in shock and relief "So you are the one"

"The one?"

"The one to slay Quillyassa."

Murasaki spent almost everyday training with Katie for a year, they had planned to train her for 10 years but things didn't go as planned. Quillyassa had already escaped and was in the mortal world. Murasaki prayed to the ultimate goddess and her prayers were answered for the first time, briefly. She was simply told that Quillyassa was in the nearby village and that her light will guide her. Murasaki, devoted to the Goddess, asked no questions and had no doubt. Despite not knowing why Quillyassa was there or what she wanted, she continued. 

Upon arriving at the village Murasaki found Quillyassa holding a villager by the throat. Upon seeing Murasaki, wielding the Blade of Decay, she dropped the villager to the ground...before crushing their fingers under her shoes. 

"This is what she sends... a child?" She growled with anger "Of course she sends a child. She's trying to play with my morals. Well I'm sorry little girl, but I will not let her or you get in my way. Now step aside." 

Murasaki however did not move and inch, she was afraid, no, horrified. But she remained in the way of Quillyassa. She was a child, yes, but she was a servant of the Goddess. Quillyassa sighed and unsheathed a blade. "So be it."

The two swords clashed, both of them were fighting for their life, Quillyassa knew one slip up and she would rot into nothing,  Murasaki knew, even a kick to the chest would break her fragile bones. Murasaki, using her speed and blue fire magic, quickly lead Quillyassa out of the village. Murasaki was easily overwhelmed by the strength of the Goddess's swings. Katie, who was watching this from the sides, could no longer watch and had to intervene. She summoned one of her orbs to shoot a laser at Quillyassa, hoping to serve as a distraction. It damaged her arm and Quillyassa fell to her knees, long enough for Murasaki to strike and end this. But she didn't. 

"Katie no! This is my fight! Don't get involved" Murasaki cried out.

"I'm not just going to watch you die!" Katie cried back

Murasaki stared at her quietly then back down at Quillyassa, with a lowered guard, she was tired and felt like collapsing.  

Then Quillyassa thrusts her blade into her ribs.

Murasaki screamed in pain and fell to the ground, dropping her blade by her side. Quillyassa swiftly and carefully took the blade by it's handle and sheathed it. She took the sheathed blade and put it into Murasaki's arms. Quillyassa cradled the small girl in her arms, stroking her hair tenderly, like a mother. "I'm sorry" she whispered. 

"I didn't want to kill you" Murasaki cried "I failed the Goddess because I had doubt"

"You failed no one..." Quillyassa gently put the girl down and stood up. Murasaki's friends ran over to her as she lay there, dying. Quillyassa looked at Katie. "You may kill me. I have finally realized, I am no better than the ones I hate" and with that Quillyassa left. 

"Promise me something..." Murasaki whispered, with a weak voice "You won't kill her."

Katie paused, staring into her young friend's dying eyes. "That might be hard, but if that's what you wish, I'll try everything in my power to stop her without having to resort to that. I promise."

"Thank you...Katie" 

Surrounded by the people she loved, Murasaki died in Katie's arms with a smile. 


Goddess of the Moon- Mother like figure but also deity whom is worshiped and respected
Jikani - Her teacher and sister like figure
Kuro, God of Death - A friend, he eats the souls she catches. 

Katie (Belongs to Spirit-Creator-Katie- A close friend, and sister like figure who trained Murasaki in the art of the blade.

 .•°Trivia and Notes°•.

• Murasaki is one of my oldest characters, she is going through heavy revamping so 

•She was originally going to be a gift adoptable to Hezu Neutral but I loved her design too much

•She used to be in sonic heroes team called Team Armageddon, consisting of Katie, Myra and Murasaki. Why was it called Team Armageddon? idfk

•She is a lesdrian but she dies too young for her to have a relationship, but before she dies she has romantic feelings for another seedrian (who I need to revamp like her)

•A typo from my friend while drawing, Myrasaki, created a crack pairing of her character Myra and Murasaki. Although not cannon and just a joke it's interesting to mention this was probably my first gay pairing I ever made? This was quite a while before I realized my own sexuality 

•She was originally paired with the god of death who lived at her shrine because... I dunno heteronormativity?? 


• No longer a lollipop seedrian, although it was cute it did not fit the more serious character she became

• Her original backstory was needlessly edgy however the basic elements have been taken

• Skin is a bit darker

• Design changed to be more shrine maiden like whist still gothic