


4 years, 3 months ago


Asteria Sacraluna

Gender Female
Species Demi-Angel
Height 165 cm
Birthdate 1 Dec
Role Lunar Priestess

Asteria is considered to be blessed by her angel ancestor. Her image was prized above all else, and Asteria still keeps to these harsh expectations, even though she was never valued as a person. Her attitude is cold and reserved, nothing short of what's expected of a noble, yet her eyes possess the gentleness and curiosity of a soft heart. She wants nothing more than to be true to herself and ensure that no one else has to lead a hollow life like she once had.



Level-headed and reserved, Asteria is observant of situations and often proves herself to be a good listener. To her, information is a valuable resource, one which she wishes to pry from others without divulging anything about herself. The nobles she grew up with often had ulterior motives behind their nice words, and Asteria has learned to be wary of everyone. Between her carefully guarded heart and sophisticated facade, Asteria comes across cold and distant.

Once her trust is gained, Asteria’s disposition warms. She is playful with her friends and likes to tease. Her perception skills are put to the good cause of learning how to better help her friends and allies. However, her struggle to open up can result in miscommunications on her end.


  • Moon & Stars
  • Cake, Tea, Coffee
  • Literature
  • Soaps & Candles
  • Bunnies


  • Pretension
  • Being Startled
  • Mornings
  • Hot Weather
  • Sweating, Stickiness


The Sacraluna family possesses a long angelic lineage, one which prides itself in the purity of their blood. For generations their few light witches have presided over the land of Nevicata as its protectors, their rare magic and purity granting them a high social status. However, as generations passed, their noble cause had slipped into an obsession over image and power. The highest token of purity was a blessing passed through the family: a rare light mage born with hair and skin as pale as the moon itself, said to resemble their holy ancestor. After a few generations of the blessings’ dormancy, Asteria was born.

The Sacraluna family possesses a long angelic lineage, one which prides itself in the purity of their blood. For generations their few light witches have presided over the land of Nevicata as its protectors, their rare magic and purity granting them a high social status. However, as generations passed, their noble cause had slipped into an obsession over image and power. The highest token of purity was a blessing passed through the family: a rare light mage born with hair and skin as pale as the moon itself, said to resemble their holy ancestor. After a few generations of the blessings’ dormancy, Asteria was born.

Asteria’s parents treated her more as a prize than a child, using her perceived purity to amplify their own prestige. High expectations were placed on her from the time she was born, for it was Asteria’s birthright to become the lunar priestess of Nevicata. This put her parents in a good position to take the head of the Sacraluna Estate, and with power in their sight, they demanded that she become the image of perfection. They pushed her into classes for art, music, and dance, dressed her in fine fabrics, and had her attend their parties in order to show off. However, outside of gatherings and ceremonies, her parents rarely bothered with her. The young couple never wanted a child to begin with; they only had a child because of the expectations placed on them. Asteria’s father was too busy managing the estate and coordinating affairs with other noble families to pay Asteria any attention. Her mother, introduced to the family as a foreign beauty, was irritated by her daughter taking attention off of herself. While the three presented themselves as the perfect family at gatherings, in reality, they were practically strangers to each other.

Unhappy with how fate had decided their rank, most of Asteria's extended family would treat her poorly or ignore her altogether. That was until one decided to take fate into their own hands and attempted to end Asteria's life. She had escaped his grasp alive, and continued to live in fear until her time to leave for the lunar priestess's pilgrimage.


  • Her hair is made of moonlight. The white locks glow faintly in the dark, and the colourful inner strands sparkle with tiny stars.
  • Asteria has a background in ballroom dancing, lending her grace and balance in her movements. She makes good use of this in combat.
  • Chores were never expected of her growing up, and now that she is on her own, she struggles with learning basic life skills like cooking and cleaning. She can, however, sew and do laundry.
  • Uneasy around generally nice people, as she fears what unseen demons lie below the surface. Asteria greatly values authenticity.
  • Rumor has it that the Lepus (Rabbit) constellation is on her body, but she won’t say where.