


4 years, 8 days ago



Exodus iridescent wulfhramn




Describe your character's personality here.

Morbi ac porta elit. In lectus erat, iaculis eget ligula sed, luctus hendrerit ex. Integer malesuada vitae tortor sed pretium. Morbi elit nulla, commodo non mi sed, cursus facilisis augue. Pellentesque posuere velit interdum, pulvinar quam vel, convallis mauris. Pellentesque in purus posuere est aliquet venenatis. Etiam a neque placerat, luctus ex in, semper massa. Sed congue tellus odio, quis pretium tellus venenatis finibus. Integer hendrerit lacus a quam fermentum pretium. Donec quis rhoncus tortor. Nam ut sapien risus. Morbi interdum ullamcorper venenatis.


  • Name Exodus Iridescent Wulfhramn
  • Secondary Name Exodia Iridescent Wulfhramn
  • BIRTHDAY October 18th
  • BLOOD TYPE B - Negative
  • RACE Incubus / Succubus
  • Relationship Status Unknown
  • HEIGHT 6'0ft (Female) / 6'5ft (Male)
  • WEIGHT 153lbs (Female) / 202 lbs (Male)
  • SEXUALITY Pansexual
  • Male Voice Benjamin Bratt
  • feMale VOICE Salma Hayek
  • THEME Galaxy by Nine Lashes


  • COLOUR Red
  • FOOD Burgers & Fries
  • ANIMAL Dogs & Wolves
  • SPORT Soccer (Football)
  • NUMBER 7
  • SEASON Autumn
  • HOLIDAY Halloween
  • TIME OF DAY Evening
  • GENRE Romance

  • Parties, Suits, Dancing, Drinking, Getting Wasted
  • Romance, Sex, BDSM, Sexy Attire, Porn, Flirting
  • Sparring, Combat, Hunting, Tactical Training
  • Reading, Magic, Skill Improvement
  • Animals, Food, Hairy Men, Bodacious Women

  • Thieves, Dumbasses, Disrespect
  • Being on the run, Being disregarded, Losing Loved ones
  • Stench, Grating Sounds, Being told what to do
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

  • Exodus was conceived through rape between a succubus and an incubus. Upon his birth his mother abandoned him on the doorstep of the Wulfhramn household when he was only a few days old. He has no memory of his mother, and has never actively sought her out nor attempted to look into his biological family. Exodus is content never knowing the person who gave him up, and prefers to forget ever being adopted at all.

  • When Exodus turned sixteen he got involved with a bad crowd, and ended up joining an underground fighting club to earn money for his family who were struggling to get by. He spent a good portion of his life fighting in the underground rings, and never lost a single fight. He became the reigning champion of the underground arena, and would have continued to fight had the arena not been destroyed by sabotage. Once the underground fight club was dissolved Exodus turned to mercenary work. He became a hitman for a well-known mafia, which is where he learned how to use guns.

  • After spending several years as a mercenary Exodus met Clockwork Athens Kyr-Byakuro, a spanish lass who was born of a long line of royals from a large clan that was called Benevolent. After winning the approval of her father, Tacota Byakuro, Exodus married Clock. His wife eventually died after their house was hit by a group of opposing mafia men, leaving Exodus a widower. Having no children nor reason to live after Clock's loss, Exodus began drinking himself into oblivion. He became a violent drunk, and everywhere he went violence seemed to follow. He was forced to move from town to town, as most pubs would ban him from ever returning due to his problems with violence.

  • After many years of drinking himself into the ground Exodus met a woman by the name of Raz Malkov in one of the pubs where he was drinking. The two hit it off, and Raz encouraged him to join the rising organization called Romatek Industries. Exodus agreed, and came to work at Romatek as an agent. He began to have an affair with Raz, who had gifted him with the Oculum so he could go undercover.

  • After many years of working at Romatek Exodus returned to his family. He often encouraged his brother Zeven to join the ranks of Romatek, but Zeven always refused. It was around this time that Exodus began sneaking inventions away from Romatek; most of these inventions were items that had not been seen before in Usperon's existence. Exodus helped create Romatek's synths, which are robotic individuals programmed with human-like qualities. Several years after the creation of the synths Exodus asked Raz to marry him. The woman refused, leaving Exodus broken-hearted.

  • He eventually learned that Raz was using him, and broke off all ties with her before devising a plan to eliminate Romatek all together as an act of revenge. Exodus began to fear for the world's safety, for Romatek Industries was starting to gain too much power and control over the world. At the time Romatek Industries were powered by an artifact core called an Ascendant. To prevent the creation of anymore synths Exodus stole the Ascendant with the help of a woman by the name of Megaira Corvus. Upon claiming ownership of the Ascendant Exodus spent the next five decades hiding from Raz, who was hell bent on retrieving what was stolen from Romatek Industries. He has been running ever since.











♦ Intelligent, Observant, Thoughtful & Charismatic
♦ Fun-loving, Energetic, Challenging & Playful
♦ Curious, Sensual, Seductive & Flirty
♦ Witty, Teasing, Humorous & Provocative
♦ Friendly, Loving, Devoted & Protective
♦ Determined, Hard-working, Productive & Resolute
♦ Gentle, Sweet, Romantic & Loving
♦ Tricky, Thieving, Easily-Angered & Brash
♦ Slutty, Overbearing, Stubborn & Strong-Willed
♦ Suicidal & Emotional 

  • "Put a quote here."
  • "Quisque tincidunt lacinia tempus. Aenean ipsum magna, porta in sagittis at, ullamcorper ut justo. Donec efficitur purus non ex vehicula commodo.
  • "Maecenas sed luctus nisl. Donec dictum lectus non diam elementum aliquet. Aenean eros odio, porttitor eget efficitur sed, ornare eget felis. Nam ut dui iaculis, dapibus odio eu, viverra leo."

  • Unknown:  Briefly describe hobby here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe hobby here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe hobby here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe hobby here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe habit here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe habit here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe habit here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe habit here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe strength here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe strength here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe strength here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe strength here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe weakness here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe weakness here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe weakness here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe weakness here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe skill here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe skill here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe skill here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe skill here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe goal here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe goal here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe goal here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe goal here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe fear here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe fear here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe fear here.

  • UNKNOWN:  Briefly describe fear here.



Put your character's story here. This box will scroll.

Nam vitae ultricies metus, in rutrum nisi. Phasellus porta ullamcorper mauris, id pharetra velit pulvinar id. Ut sit amet felis porta, mattis eros et, pulvinar velit. Pellentesque interdum nulla a ex finibus, sed cursus lacus tincidunt. Cras condimentum ipsum eget tristique venenatis. Morbi at bibendum felis, sit amet commodo orci. Cras efficitur massa consequat diam eleifend porta. Nullam vel turpis id nibh molestie auctor.


Duis tellus arcu, mattis ut venenatis quis, mattis sed orci. Vestibulum maximus dolor ante, id pellentesque ipsum egestas eget. Quisque consectetur nisi eget lacus aliquet, quis mollis erat sagittis. Nam bibendum euismod lacus nec posuere. Suspendisse ac aliquam ante. Duis nec egestas quam. Fusce nisi ipsum, iaculis ac gravida eget, eleifend ac eros. Nulla facilisi. Cras vitae maximus libero. Nam laoreet, lacus at laoreet faucibus, odio odio ornare purus, sed semper quam leo vitae ante. Donec viverra leo nibh, eu molestie mauris cursus convallis. Pellentesque vel ipsum turpis. Donec imperdiet lacinia velit, sed eleifend mauris rutrum vel. Quisque sit amet eros orci. Quisque eu imperdiet mi. Suspendisse eget justo id enim hendrerit porttitor.

Nunc convallis leo mollis, varius augue non, faucibus metus. Nulla dolor tortor, vehicula eget ullamcorper at, ullamcorper quis nisi. Proin sollicitudin risus enim, vel feugiat felis ultricies ut. Sed mauris eros, tempor ut libero ut, dignissim aliquam risus. Ut pharetra eu mauris eget facilisis. Aliquam metus libero, imperdiet eu commodo non, rhoncus ut est. Suspendisse venenatis nulla et massa venenatis, non tincidunt justo elementum. Cras vel ipsum magna.


  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

  • Briefly describe relationship dynamic here.
  • Keep it short and straight to the point so people can understand the basics of the relationship at a glance.
  • This box will not scroll.

Provide a more in-depth explanation of the relationship here. Aliquam erat lectus, lobortis in mattis quis, tincidunt quis ante. Morbi ac urna eros. Suspendisse id felis tellus. Pellentesque in felis aliquam, lacinia dui ut, congue augue. Maecenas sodales metus quis diam egestas, in mattis ex ullamcorper. Duis felis magna, pellentesque et imperdiet id, interdum nec elit. Donec congue blandit ex et mattis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce pulvinar quam dignissim neque convallis, id faucibus arcu convallis. Sed vitae nisl id nibh porta eleifend. Suspendisse faucibus tincidunt erat ut venenatis. In cursus venenatis tellus.

Aliquam mattis magna vel porta interdum. Quisque ipsum lacus, consectetur at ornare vitae, accumsan finibus mi. Donec luctus finibus nisl a condimentum. Suspendisse euismod sed dolor vitae imperdiet. In eu varius nisi. Vivamus et dui vel felis congue suscipit. Aenean eget dolor nunc. Suspendisse convallis sem a cursus commodo.

Character (c) Sephasaur. All rights reserved. You may not use, redistribute, copy, or trace any content found on this page.