


4 years, 15 days ago


Name: Dylan Lynwood

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8" ft

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Passive, soft-spoken. Tries to avoid conflict. 

Other: He has an older brother, but they have a complicated relationship. Dylan's also part angel ig

[WIP,, will write more when its not 3am LMAO] Dylan was born into a pretty normal family, with two parents and a brother four years older than him. When he was born, his mother stopped working in order to take care of him. His father continued working, and often came home late into the evening. Most of Dylan's childhood was spent with his mother and brother, who he'd spent hours playing with. They got along decently well, rarely fighting over anything. The two spent a lot of time outdoors, climbing trees and catching bugs. As Dylan got older, his family slowly grew distant from one another. His mother picked up another job as a florist, spending plenty of time tending to flowers and talking to customers. His father continued working, and eventually his brother went off to college.