Illa Uzir



4 years, 1 month ago


Race: Fallen Aasimar

Alignment: Lawful Good  

Class: Warlock

Height: 5’6

STR: 13 INT: 10 DEX: 14

WIS: 13  CON: 13 CHAR: 19

Illa Uzir is a warlock that seeks to learn the secrets of the universe through her patron, an entity of the stars and of fog. The runes on Fogweaver (her blade) is the Divine Language of Celestial. She speaks Draconic, Celestial, and common. 


Illa is a far wanderer, and mostly keeps to herself. But she is almost unnaturally kind. She is a good person, and genuinely wants to do the right thing, but she doesn’t want to cause a stir. She’s a little innocent, and while relatively seasoned; she is unwise. She would rather find the common ground between even the fiercest and most vile of enemies rather than draw her sword. This kindness is unknowingly being taken advantage of by her patron, as Illa does not realize the true intent of The Star Forger’s pact.
Her charisma does not derive from suave or being able to talk herself out of a situation with guile, it is from her general likeability and gentle repose. She does not raise her voice, nor does she speak too quietly to hear. Her gentle nature and almost child-like empathy cause people to generally like her.


Illa grew up in a household of Thoth, but always felt out of place. She didn’t really have any bonds with her family and eventually, she left. Hoping to find a place where she fit in better.
She also didn’t really hear Thoth, and while the god felt betrayed by her accidental negligence, she had no idea of it.

Illa has a sense of detachment that often contrasts with her kindness, while she is extremely caring, she isn’t one to label people as “friends.” Not due to fear of loss, but simply because her heart is detached from her emotions, and even those who consider her to be one of their most trusted associates, she would still think that they’re just another person. While Illa is extremely caring, she does not let people get close. As she cannot put sentimental value to really anything, which is one of the reasons why she travels. To find her “purpose.”
She prefers being alone for the sole reason of not feeling love for another person, or the devotion of family or friends. She could never connect with her family, she felt a gap that never went away, so she left.

While still a bit new to her journey and “adventuring,” she has been traveling for awhile, but lacks the grizzled, hostile temperment of someone who has been alone for as long as she has. When asked, she simply shrugs. “I just keep moving, I guess. I don’t bother anyone and they don’t bother me. I’m easily forgettable. But I try to help out.” She says with a small smile.

Expanded spell list: 

1st:  Comprehend Languages, Hellish Rebuke

2nd: Prayer of Healing, Moonbeam 

3rd: Bestow Curse, Cosmic Leech (Vampiric Touch)

4th: Dimension Door, Black Tentacles

5th: Cloudkill, Planar Binding