


7 years, 4 months ago




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Peratha is a very excitable and happy Irken, always with an urge to learn and help out others, it is a shame the townspeople don't like it, but it's okay with that! Just water over the bridge, they're fine with protecting their farm animals and helping it's Ma n' Pa out. It's one to avoid extreme conflict and confrontation, feeling living without knowing is probably a lot easier than being worked up on figuring everything out.


Peratha still remembered it's mother's final words,
"Peratha, be brave. You have to survive!"

Then it was shoved into it's little space pod and rocketed off it's home planet. When it was on their way, it saw their home planet explode. It broke their heart knowing that it was separated eternally from it's mother, father, and brother. It was only a child.

Peratha didn't know how much time passed. It only recalled landing in a mound of vegetation, with a house beside them. An elderly couple walked out and saw them lying beside it's smoking space pod. They looked as if they were scared out of their minds, and were very surprised. But nevertheless, they helped it up.

From then on, the elderly couple taught it how to eat, talk and move like a human. They did their best to adapt to the foreign environment. Their adopters owned what was called a "farm". There were different vegetables and tomatoes growing there. It soon found out that the elderly couple craved for a child, but couldn't have their own biological child. Peratha always helped out on the farm.

Peratha looked odd compared to humans. They had green skin and huge eyes. It tried leaving the rural farm and going into town, but the children would cry and scream at the top of their lungs and run away. Even the adults avoided them. They got nervous. But in the farm, it was accepted like a family... Peratha learned to find happiness in the farm. Although it wanted to fit in, but it's looks and origin suggested otherwise, so it knew it was destined for something different.



Name - Relationship

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Duis sollicitudin vestibulum risus. Nunc semper purus orci, id facilisis libero semper et. Nunc commodo risus odio, ac porta ante tincidunt at. Morbi volutpat id metus a consectetur. Suspendisse vitae ipsum quis mi porttitor imperdiet.

Name - Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pretium tempor lectus, sed vestibulum felis finibus non.

Duis sollicitudin vestibulum risus. Nunc semper purus orci, id facilisis libero semper et. Nunc commodo risus odio, ac porta ante tincidunt at.