
Weatherby Evan Parker

Weatherby Evan Parker

Security Team



AssignmentSinging Machine
Punishing Bird
Funeral of the Dead Butterflies
EquipmentE.G.O Weapon - Magic Bullet
E.G.O Suit - Laetitia
E.G.O Gift - Harmony
E.G.O Gift - Penitence
E.G.O Gift - Beak
Level I Earnest Newbie
Level II Earnest Employee
Level III Earnest Researcher
Level IV Cold-Blooded Researcher
Level V Cold-Blooded Investigator

"I look on the brighter side of things. Things might be a little dangerous, or frightening, or... abjectly horrifying, but that doesn't mean that there isn't something that I can look forward to one day. The good things about each day that all build up into better things. I hope to make the others in the Department happy, because if the work makes the day bad - why can't I lessen that despair a little?"
― Weatherby

Weatherby is an Employee in the Security Team, under Netzach. The player can meet him from Day 12 to 17, depending on when they choose to epand the Security Department.

Weatherby is a slim man of average height with a constantly concerned expression on his face. He doesn’t look, and really isn’t, particularly strong and he has a few scars across his hands, arms and cheeks from working. His eyes are a grey-black colour and to see better he wears a pair of oval spectacles. Without them he can just about see - he has bad short-sightedness. Weatherby has long brown hair that reaches his lower back when untied, but it is usually held up in a high ponytail with a red hair fastener. His fringe is unruly and sticks up messily in three spikes on the right hand side. When panicked his face goes pale and his expression turns to pure fear and despair.

His main assignment is to the Singing Machine, something that Weatherby is none to pleased about as his specialty area is animals. However following an incident with the abnormality, after which Weatherby is seen missing fingers and noticibly less optimistic, he is more resigned to his duties and no longer complains.

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Weatherby is the exception to the rule when it comes to employees. Where others are resigned to their fates, taking each day as they come with no thoughts or plans for the future, Weatherby remains forever the optimist. He has plans he hopes to fulfil and a future he wants to achieve for himself. Many call him an idealist for holding onto these values and berate him for holding onto supposedly hopeless dreams, but he continues to believe and remain optimistic no matter what is thrown at him. Weatherby is a man who will never give up, to a complete fault. He remains stubbornly attached to getting where he wants, despite others saying he will never make it.

However, as positive as he tries to be, Weatherby is self-aware. He knows the situation he’s in is not what he bargained for, and that leaving Lobotomy Corporation may come in the form of a body bag rather than a promotion or new job. It plagues him, and in the back of his mind he does constantly worry about what is going on around him - but attempts to put it out of sight out of mind through constant positive reassurance and distraction.

Weatherby is notably more cheery and optimistic in his early days at Lobotomy Corporation. Hopeful of his new career, fresh-minded, innocent and most definitely, definitely, extremely naive. As time goes on, and Weatherby experiences the true dangers and incidents of his work (Particularly after the incident with the Singing Machine) he begins to show noticeable cracks around the edges of his personality. Over time, Weatherby becomes much more reserved, quiet, and careful around his coworkers. He begins to find his optimism failing him more and more, and it does begin to get to him. Though he tries to maintain the optimistic and positive outlook, inside he begins to become more and more melancholic.



Weatherby Evan Parker was born to a lower-middle class family in a fairly rural town surrounded by rolling farmlands filled with livestock and crops. It was an idyllic backdrop with fresh air and green spaces aplenty, as well as a bustling town with good amenities, and both his parents held steady jobs that allowed them to live in good comfort. They were by no means lavishly wealthy, but Weatherby's parents had enough that they could give him a supportive and comfortable upbringing with no issues. He was a lively child, and both his parents thoroughly encouraged him to follow his passions and interests wholeheartedly. They adored how cheerful and friendly their son was from a young age, and would often remark about how much sunshine he brought into their lives.

When he was four years old, Weatherby's parents took him to the zoo for the very first time, and the connection was almost instantaneous. He absolutely fell in love with all the animals there, and even as a young boy he found himself brimming with questions and excitement at learning about each and every one. From that day, he was bought a small toy tiger he named Hobbes, and several books on the animals there. From then on, he'd ask to go to the zoo often - to the point where for his sixth birthday he was bought a season ticket as a present to let him visit almost every weekend when his parents were able to take him. Though they wondered if he would ever get sick of going, or grow into another obsession, Weatherby's passion never seemed to burn out. As such, they continued to encourage it.

At school, Weatherby wasn't the most popular kid among his fellows, but he was hardly hated either. There was teasing for his unusual name (as all kids are cruel) but he never took it to heart. If anything, he simply smiled and thanked them that they appreciated how he stood out - which sometimes really annoyed the bullies as it meant they never got him to break. Publically, at least, there were times where he came home crying to his parents. Thankfully, they stood by him. Weatherby also soon found a group of friends to stick with, and they accepted him and his passions. The group would often go on walks through the nearby farmlands together - and more often than not end up being chased by sheep for disturbing them. Weatherby held great interest for the farm animals in his local area as well as the more exotic animals at the zoo, and would often pester the farmers with his endless questioning. To the point where, as he grew a little older, he would be allowed to help around the farms and earn a little pocket money for his services.

By the end of secondary education, Weatherby was a mostly average student with a good few friends and a lot of good memories. His best subjects were literature and, naturally, biology as he had a special interest in the subject. Alongside his studies he'd begun volunteering for the local cat shelter in the town for experience and he loved his time there. His thoughts on further education were very set: Weatherby wanted to study zoology at university so that he could work wtih animals his whole life. Naturally, his parents weren't surprised and helped him to get into a good university for the grades he received at the end of school. It was in another city over, but it gave him a chance to gain independence and tackle some of the nervousness he suffered when around people he didn't know.

In fact, university turned into some of the best years of Weatherby's life. He thrived in his subject area, and did multiple placements with different animal conservation charities - including going abroad for some of them. He also joined the animal welfare society and was heavily involved in raising money for the protection of wildlife and adopting endangered animals. On his studies he did a placement with dolphins where he often went swimming with them, and then another placement where he worked at a tiger sanctuary. Both of these he enjoyed immensely and to remind him of his experiences he bought himself both a tiger and a dolphin stuffed toy as mementos. Both of these he would go on to sleep with every night. Whilst at uni he did a little experimentation with both men and women, but didn't yet settle with anyone long term - mostly because he wanted to focus on his studies. However, his sunny personality made him loved by many and he had a lot of close friends the whole time.

Weatherby graduated with a first in zoology from university, and came home to live with his parents once again whilst he searched for work. They were immensely proud of him, and wanted to help him find a job in his field. Unfortunately, jobs seemed to be hard to find - and Weatherby was desperate to land some kind of employment in order to get experience and go on to work in his field. Soon it just became "I need a job" in general rather than specifically wanting to work with animals, as nowhere seemed to be hiring. It was disappointing, but Weatherby held out hope that it would just be a step to greater things in the future. By lucky chance, a job came up for him at a large corporation that was looking for new hires. Weatherby didn't know anything about Lobotomy Corporation, but they promised him good prospects and good pay and Weatherby was happy to have both of those things. With hopeful heart, he set off for his first job.


Weatherby arrived at Lobotomy Corporation and began his basic training to introduce him to the company. This training was undertaken in Hod's Training Team. Weatherby took to his training, though he remained unsure as to what exactly he was getting himself into - and a lot of the trainee's questions were left confusingly unanswered by the Sephirot. Still, he passed his training with flying colours and was then taken to his permanent department. This was to be in the Security Team, under Netzach and that was where Weatherby reported to for his first proper day of work. The Corporation provided full board for its employees, and so Weatherby would send emails home to his parents with updates on how he was getting on - including remarking how he was excited and interested to work under his new manager, Netzach.

Given that he had not kept it a secret that he loved animals, and that there were animal-like abnormalities in Lobotomy Corporation, Weatherby had hoped that he would be assigned to one them for his first task. After all, even if they weren't conventional animals he may still be able to work with them. To his dismay, the Security Team instead assigned him to a very different abnormality entirely. He was to research the Singing Machine because, as he would later find out, the previous employee in charge of it had had an "accident" and was no more. Naiive of the dangers of the machine, and of the entire facility, Weatherby didn't realise the danger he was potentially in with this assignment. Still, determined to prove himself (and in the hope that if he could do well with the machine he might be assigned to more preferable abnormalities afterwards) he set out to research the Singing Machine. It was tough work, and soon enough he heard the rumours of what had happened to the last employee and the so-called bewitching effects of the "music" made by the machine. It was frightening, but Weatherby maintained his optimism.

As days went by, Weatherby's constant optimism and positive attitude was quickly noticed among the other employees and the Sephirot. Unlike other workers, who were much more resigned to their situation and simply lived in the moment, Weatherby held onto his hopes and dreams for the future, and dismissed any claims that he was trapped in this place forever. No, to him this was just a stepping stone, and good life and work experience. His work was also rewarded greatly. He was soon assigned to two other abnormalities to work with during his shifts. Laetitia, a human abnormality with a worrying "gift" for those she liked (and thanks to her, Weatherby realised he was good at working with young children), and the Punishing Bird - an actual animal he could work with. Both were better than the Singing Machine, by far, and Weatherby was happy that he was doing well in his job - something he proudly wrote to his parents about as well.

Weatherby's work was also noticed by the Sephirah of the Security Department - Netzach. The optimism and hope Weatherby held close to his heart and spread around the facility was a complete contrast to Netzach's struggles with depression and hopelessness and it shocked him to see an employee who had yet to succumb to the hell of the facility. Even though Weatherby had had a few close calls - particularly during research with Laetitia - he was still hardly harmed by any abnormality and was by no means disillusioned by what he was doing each day. Sure, he had heard of the deaths of other employees and of what was happening in the other departments, and yet despite all of this he was still happy. Netzach couldn't understand it at all. In several progress meetings between him and Weatherby he would confront him on his boundless optimism, only to be met with it every time. The smile stuck with Netzach, and he found himself growing interested in learning more about him. The progress meetings became socialising during breaks - and Weatherby would even go so far as to call Netzach a friend as well as his boss.

All of this, however, was not to last.

One day, Weatherby was performing his assigned work on Singing Machine when one of the other employees made a hefty mistake, upsetting the abnormality. Consequentially, the employee was immediately possessed by the machine, and leapt into its mechanisms. Weatherby could only watch on in horror as his coworker was obliterated before his eyes and, more disturbingly, that obliteration was causing him to hear the most bewitching music that he'd ever heard in his life. The music consumed his mind and thoughts, unable to move in shock as he watched the Singing Machine finish "digesting" the last parts of his former colleague. The music faded from reality, but not from Weatherby's mind. It shut down all other thoughts, including his memories which made recalling this event afterwards much more difficult for him. All that he knew, was that he had to hear the music once again, by any means necessary. Weatherby had unknowingly also been possessed by the Singing Machine, and it intended to use him to bring it another victim.

Consumed by the need to hear the music again, Weatherby began to act strangely. The other employees noticed it quickly, as he was not his usual cheerful self - and reports quickly spread that something must have happened to Weatherby. Possession was a known problem in Lobotomy Corporation and it was well known to be a risk from many of the abnormalities. But the reports did not reach the right departments quickly enough before problems arose. Completely out of control, thanks to the possession of Singing Machine, Weatherby attacked another employee and began dragging their unconscious body towards the machine. All the while muttering incoherently about needing to hear the music again. He, and he remains forever unsure if he is thankful or fearful of this, has few memories before waking up in Lobotomy Corporation's infirmary, but has been filled in on his attempt to feed his colleague to the machine. Thankfully, other employees caught up to him and he was subdued - but not before Weatherby lost three fingers to the grinders inside Singing Machine.

The possession was removed from Weatherby, and he spent the next month in the infirmary recovering both physically and mentally from the incident. He was utterly horrified by what he had tried to do, and for the first time ever the reality of the facility and his situation began to sink in to his mind. He quickly spiralled into anxiety, realising he'd never get to change jobs or return home - people remarking that it now seemed that some of the light had died in his eyes. Concerned he may cause the other employees to become pessimistic again, Weatherby still tried to put on a positive front (most affective with newer employees rather than ones who knew him) but it was much harder now. He felt less passion in his work, and he worried for his own safety much of the time. Indeed, he confessed much of his sadness to Netzach, who would also come to visit him as much as he could. Weatherby clung to the company, afraid to be alone now knowing the truth of his situation. Equally, he now understood why Netzach called Lobotomy Coropration "hell" and why he also wished to leave. He understood, and found himself feeling much the same.

Once the month was up, Weatherby was returned to work. It was difficult for him to resettle, and he turned to bad habits in order to cope with his anxieties. In particular, he began to seek doses of Enkephalin from Netzach - who he'd known to be an addict for a while now. Netzach was hesitant, knowing the effects of the drug, but allowed Weatherby to take small doses in the hope it might improve his mental health. It did, and Weatherby soon improved enough that people believed that he genuinely was much better. His optimism seemed to return and he became the sunshine of the facility once more. Really, this was just him getting better at hiding his real feelings, thanks to the drugs and desire to forget his fears. He also remained close to Netzach, confessing he saw him as his only true friend and the only person who really understood what he was going through. From then onwards, Weatherby continued to try his best to be a good employee - even if much more broken than he had been at the start.


  • Weatherby usually shortens his name to "Wev", but some have called him "Wevvy" affectionately.
  • Though he has good academic skills, he's extremely dense in romance and common sense.
  • He loves animals, the kind of guy who would cry when a cat blepped.
  • Growing up, he adopted one of the shelter cats and named her Mittens. She was his absolute pride and joy.
  • Weatherby cannot pick a favourite animal, he simply loves them all too much.
  • He has an intense fear of enclosed spaces.
  • His favourite food is his mum's roast chicken and trimmings.
  • Though he loves animals a lot, Weatherby has never considered becoming vegetarian. He considers the food chain to be natural and normal - which includes the fact that humans eat meat.
  • He does, however, insist that all their meat and animal products be as cruelty free and locally sourced as possible. Living near farms helps that a lot.
  • Weatherby likes classical music a lot, he finds it relaxing.
  • His voice is nothing special, but he does like to sing. In school he was in the choir.
  • Because of his love of animals, he has at times been attacked by them. As such he has several scars from cats and dogs whilst working at the shelter. He even had a shark swim dangerously close to him once on his internship - he thought that was the coolest thing ever.
  • After losing his fingers, Weatherby becomes very self-conscious about showing people his right hand.
  • He also had to learn to do things left-handed because of the loss.
  • Weatherby has feelings for Netzach, but given what Netzach is, they won't be realised.
  • He's chaotically bisexual.
  • Weatherby writes to his parents often, though after the incident he's not even sure if all of the information he puts in his emails to them gets through, because his parents' replies often don't touch on questions he asks.
  • Still, he hopes one day to at least be able to go home and visit them again.
  • Of all the abnormalities, he actually gets along best with Laetitia.
  • Weatherby's glasses are his own, not a gift from an abnormality. He has astigmatism.
  • In his spare time, he likes to read books and journals on animals and wildlife. He also loves fictional stories with animals in them.
  • His guilty pleasure are the animal hospital children's novels, he had them growing up and still enjoys them as an adult.
  • When concentrating, Weatherby will tie his hair in a messy bun.
  • He has several E.G.O Suits that he can wear - though most often he wears Laetitia's. He also has Beak, Magic Bullet (as well as that weapon) and Penitance.
  • His birthday is December 23rd
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA

Profile by Erandia
Edits by Glasses-Dog