Aoi's Comments

oc you want: (

toyhouse username: bonkers

Why you want the oc: I really love this guy character design and he has cat ears. Plus I love swords and it seems like he has a sword on his back. I really love his designs plus I swear I am not simping on him. Anyways I hope to get him and get him art ^^

edit-I will also use him for stories and be best buds with Chyll, Akari, and Preston. I really really want him as he is a cute design and I just like his designs. I really have this story in my head of curses and people fighting them since selective person could see curses as they have curses. Since I watched Jujutsu Kaisen I really love that idea and I wish to have some kind of character to kinda connect to it. I promise I won’t let him store dust at all, but thanks again for the opportunity