


4 years, 16 days ago


Name Sofie Nielsen

Nickname Fie

Gender Female

Age 24

ethnicity Danish

Birthday March 30

Role Master of Chaldea

CV Reina Ueda

HTML Pinky


Fie becomes the second master of Humanity in Part II of Fate/Grand Order. She was initially scouted for the first group of masters in Part I but left after introductory training due to a disdain for other magus. After doing her best to avoid it, she hears of the plot to finish off the Demon Pillars and returns to Chaldea shortly before the Bleached Earth event.

Fie was raised to become her family's master candidate, with intense training in strategy and battle instead of a conventional childhood. Her family subjected her to numerous surgeries and brutal conditioning to improve both her magecraft and physical abilities. The Holy Grail War she fought in as a teenager ended with her loss. Her servant, Jekyll & Hyde, protected her from being killed so that she--who never had any sense of normalcy--may experience a life free from magecraft.



Clever - direct - curious - independent - professional

Fie has a gentle appearance that leads people to think her kinder than she actually is. In truth, she's usually very focused and serious with little time or patience for things or people outside of her job at hand. She was raised with a singular goal in mind and, unable to shake that dogma, has a hard time pulling herself away from tasks. She likes to get things done and is very reliable.

Fie is incredibly intelligent, specifically when it comes to battle-related topics and ability to read other people. She grapples with caring about what other people are feeling, though. Nonetheless, she has a generous and loyal heart...deep within her. Once she opens up, which takes a lot of work, she may come off as vulnerable, naive, even tsundere due to her general inexperience with friendship & similar relationships.

After her rigid upbringing, Fie ended up with a capricious personality that is hard to read. She sometimes reacts incorrectly to things other people say or do only because she may have never encountered or felt something similar before. Although she cannot necessarily be called empathetic, she is trying to have a more open mind as of her adult life. She's very decisive, usually without mercy, but in recent years, with input from her servants and overall life experience, Fie is working on being more considerate and thoughtful towards others. In regards to herself, however, she is her greatest critic and never feels like she is enough, whether that's in power, magecraft, or relationships. Her perceived differences from people isolate her and make it hard for her to trust anyone other than herself--often resulting in extended melancholy that she tries to hide, but certain servants see right through her.








Magic circuit QUANTITY A
magic circuit quality A+
Strength A
Endurance C+
Mana A+
Agility B
Strategy EX
Luck D



Fie's family magic specializes in gravity control--being able to enhance and lessen the gravitational fields around them. Most commonly, she will reduce her own gravity to be able to jump/run faster and farther, and strengthen it when striking opponents. With unskilled opponents, she will simply crush them with massive gravity forces. Fie herself doesn't use her magic that often, as she now prefers firearms (enhanced with magecraft).

Her combat style is very aggressive but extensively planned. She rarely takes unwarranted risks that she predicts have less than a 70% chance of success. Her mystic eyes are able to (within her abilities and known abilities of opponents) estimate her own rate of winning a battle or hitting a certain strike.

Fie is trained in multiple types of hand-to-hand combat, but she prefers MMA and muy thai. She is an expert with firearms and is not ashamed to use them despite being from a prominent mage family. In fact, her family encouraged usage of weapons for their ability to harm other mages. Her favorites are sniper rifles and uzis. Chaldea actively tries to dissuade Fie from using guns due to her unintentional tendency for collateral damage in battle.

Due to her implanted magical circuits and artificial mystic eyes, Fie requires immunosuppressant drugs infused at least biweekly. She considers it a minor trade-off for immense magical ability. If she overuses her magecraft in any way, her body shows the sutures of the wounds where her harvested circuits were inserted.

Mystic Eyes

Fie's mystic eyes were created from eyes grown in a lab by an unknown magus from high-density magical circuits and bought on the black market by her family. Her mother altered them to create the mystic eyes she has now, called a summary-type. They grant Fie the ability to see "stats" of enemies and allies as if she was in a video game, including skills and parameters.

This works similarly to Ruler's True Name Discernment skill but the user is not able to see names or skills that directly reveal the identity of a servant/individual, unless she already knows them. For example, she would not be able to see Romulus's skill "Throne of Quirinus" if he had not previously said his name. She is still able to see generic or non-specific skills, such as Charisma or Mana Burst, as well as their levels (E up to EX).

Fie is able to see a general ranking of mana and power levels of each individual, but, as she found out as a child, these rankings are only in comparison to her own level in the category. Therefore, these ranges can be unreliable.

She is able to see her own stats in a heads-up display, showing her health, mana, and endurance remaining. Although Fie is an excellent marksman, her eyes also function as an aimbot, allowing her to lock onto a target. Of course, they also show her ammo supply when using firearms.

Through extensive training and at a heavy mana cost, Fie has become able to temporarily edit both her own and others' "stats," such as agility, strength, endurance, or luck. It displays as a large, flashing red "OVERRIDE" button in both her vision and her target's. This puts an immense burden on her system. The effects only last a moment and can be used very infrequently--usually to create a key opening.

Fie's eyes quiver back and forth when being used. You can see the various display windows pop up in her eyes.


Mana output Fie has a massive mana supply both due to her artificial magical circuits and access to Chaldea's supply.

Speed/Strength She has enhanced physical strength and speed from intense training and magecraft, as well as incredible marksmanship.

Mystic Eyes Her mystic eyes give her multiple abilities, including information on opponents as well as her own stats.


Overload Fie, due to her huge mana supply, can easily overdo her magecraft, putting intense strain on her body, causing permanent damage.

Rejection Without immunosuppressant drugs, Fie's body will reject her implants, rendering her catatonic from pain and sensory deprivation.

Inexperience/arrogance Fie almost lost her life due to her overconfidence once and still believes her strategies to be infallible.


Height 5'5"/165cm

Build Hourglass + Toned

Eyes Cyan

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color Iridescent Lilac

Hair Style Short Bob


  • Fie always wears a silver rosary necklace.
    • This is the only item she carries from before her first Holy Grail War.
  • Her hair is kept in a neat bob. Fie's hair is naturally periwinkle-silver.
  • Fie's manufactured Mystic Eyes are striking in both color and shape, somehow a brilliant but soft baby blue. Her pupils are diamond shaped.
  • Fie has many different Mystic Codes, but her most worn are Decisive Battle (dress), Arctic Region (jacket + skirt), and Combat Uniform (plugsuit).
  • Her total piercings are a labret, 3 earlobe in each ear, 2 cartilage piercings in her left ear, and an industrial on her right ear. She also has her nipples and navel pierced.
    • Her main earrings are reminiscent of a certain servant's, as they were a gift from him.





Fie was born the sole child of a family of mages in Roskilde, Denmark, known for their very few and very powerful mages. The pressure of being the only (surviving) child was immense, contributed to by the bitter, fervent ambitions of her parents.

Their family, although powerful and respected in Denmark and western Europe, was held at arms length by the Clocktower due to their willingness to change the human condition to further magecraft. Each generation pushes the envelope of experimentation, toeing the line of ethics.

In truth, they had gone into human experimentation and selective breeding generations before Fie's time. The family did not disclose the birth of heirs until they had reached age 5 because of their high childhood mortality rate. Children were extensively tested to assure quality of magical circuits. Similar tests occured for amount of magical circuits and crests, with as many additional ones as the body could take being surgically implanted (it took the family several years--and offspring--to determine what that amount was).

Tired of being snubbed and skipped by the Clocktower, the Nielsens decided to join the Holy Grail War to seek the Root. Their first attempt involved Fie's father, Lucas, shortly after he was married to his wife, Nora (daughter of another mage family closely involved with the Nielsens). As soon as he summoned a servant in the HGW, his command seal hand was severed by an assassin/rival master. The servant almost killed him, now an enemy to his previous master, but he was able to run from the situation.

At that point, Nora had already had her first child, a son named William. He was 6 years older than Fie, passing away right before her birth. His body could not handle the intensity and amount of magical energy coursing through his circuits and shut down, leaving him in a coma. He died shortly after and the family used the opportunity to harvest his organs and magical circuits for his younger sister.


Fie's childhood, as a result of her family's failure in her brother and ambition towards the Grail, was only focused on molding her into a Grail War machine. Her eyes--created by her mother by altering a pair of mystic eyes she had obtained on the black market--were implanted when she was only 5 years old. All of the surgeries Fie was subjected to were imbued with magecraft, so though she can hide the scars and sutures similarly with magecraft, they will never be fully healed. And as she continued to grow, the implanted circuits and crests required upkeep through surgical grafting and immunosuppression. In truth, Fie's family wished her to have metallic skeletal implants to fully utilize her gravitational magic, but it would have restricted her physical growth and they were unable to.

Days upon days turned into years upon years of magecraft tutoring, weapons and martial arts training, battle simulation, war history/strategy classes, survival drills, and a bit of classical schooling for Fie. All her training was for the goal of becoming the apex master in a Holy Grail War--being able to command individuals and armies, defend herself (even from servants), and assassinate enemies. Lucas and Nora gave their daughter bare minimum care as parents and instead became teachers to their daughter. Fie's emotions, not to mention her mental state, were numbed for the sake of her objective, and she grew up knowing no different. The only time she saw things that weren't related to battle were the rare occasion of a nurse or maid showing her a movie. She was, when living with her family, more accustomed to the touch of a latex glove and view of a fluorescent surgical lamp than her own mother's hands or eyes.

First Holy Grail War


Fie's destiny came to meet her at age 16, her first Holy Grail War taking place in Lyon, France.

As preparation against her father's situation, Fie's command seals were forcibly engraved on her chest. She was given many artifacts as catalysts in some sorts of twisted birthday gifts from her family--allowing her the illusion of choice in her servants. The most compelling, to her, was the innocent-appearing pocket watch given by her father.

She was left alone in France before as her command seals had even finished burning into her trunk. Her accustomed alone time did not last long as she quickly found an abandoned building to perform her summoning ritual. Fie expected nothing, knowing any of her artifact choices could produce a formidible servant, but was slightly alarmed to see a mild mannered, bespectacled young man.

Henry Jekyll was not the servant she would have expected to summon. An Assassin class, meant to scheme and sneak? Obviously, Fie was trained and able to cooperate with that kind of servant, but she certainly would have preferred to summon a Saber or Lancer, even Berserker. That was just her best fighting style, in her opinion. Despite her initial disappointment, the gentle Assassin charmed her almost instantly. He was the first man she interacted with in a friendly sense outside of her family or training, and she immediately fell for him, experiencing emotions she didn't even know she had. Once she convinced him to use his Noble Phantasm and become Hyde, Fie knew she could win the war, if only she kept her focus on the task at hand--a hard task with her new feelings.

Meanwhile, Jekyll swore to protect her as his master to all his abilities, and as he grew to know her and her past through their time together, that resolve strengthened even more. His emotions towards her were mixed--pity, admiration, apprehension, but most of all, compassion--the first person to ever feel these towards his master. He recognized quickly her straightforward, one-track mind towards her goal of the Holy Grail and determined for himself that he would save her from this inevitably tragic end--that became his wish.

Meanwhile, Jekyll swore to protect her as his master to all his abilities, and as he grew to know her and her past through their time together, that resolve strengthened even more. His emotions towards her were mixed--pity, admiration, apprehension, but most of all, compassion--the first person to ever feel these towards his master. He recognized quickly her straightforward, one-track mind towards her goal of the Holy Grail and determined for himself that he would save her from this inevitably tragic end--that became his wish.

Fie was in love with him, but whether that was with him as a person or instead the unfamiliar recognition she was receiving, she would never know. Through the course of their battles, even with Hyde causing some problems for Jekyll (Fie enjoyed him), she also grew to love this life of theirs. Her servant had filled her mind with thoughts and experiences away from the world of magecraft when she knew nothing else.

So, distracted, she made one miscalculation. She failed to recognize Lancer's Independent Action as a skill with her Mystic Eyes, and assumed after killing his master he too would fall to Hyde without a magical energy source. But he remained, finishing his battle with her own servant and coming after Fie. She was caught off guard by the servant, but, as he thrust his spear towards her, she felt no pain. Jekyll had stepped between her and Lancer, the spear barely grazing her abdomen as it pierced through Assassin. Before his blood could even hit the floor she had emptied an entire clip into the enemy servant and he finally fell, lifeless, but Jekyll was not far behind.

She held her servant in her arms, tears coming to her for the first time she could remember. He, with the last of his strength, begged and pleaded with her to continue this life. He made her promise she would not return to her family, as he knew if she was not victorious they would likely force her to carry on her bloodline, detaining and experimenting on her. Her promise was to live a normal life, as hard and menial as it was. Don't return to living as a mage, be young, fall in love, and enjoy it as much as you possibly can.

Fie set into that promise instantly. Unsure how to deal with the sudden, albeit inevitable, death of the one she loved, she roamed over Europe. People were kind to her and she spent the end of her teenage years staying with strangers village to village, city to city.


Fie's initial meeting with the organization Chaldea was well before the beginning of Part I. After being scouted by staff, she attended the inauguration and first training days with the likes of the Crypters and Mash.

Main Servants




Fie's first servant in Chaldea and her closest partner. She initially pushed Romulus away due to her devastating loss of Jekyll in her first Grail War, hoping to avoid losing a servant in the same way. He, though, saw through her facade and adopted Fie immediately as ROMA, staying as close to her side as possible. She gradually came to depend on him through his strength and passion for humanity.

The two have a very laid back relationship when it comes to romance and physicality. Romulus understands that his master is spread amongst her servants and is never jealous or possessive. His role is clear among all her servants as her primary partner and protector. - On Fie's side, when she initially began to fall in love with him, she feared that he only "loved" her in the way he loves all people. However, Romulus made extensively clear that he loves her uniquely as a master, a friend, and a woman. He values her like he values Rome, unconditionally, with both service and words.


Constantine xi


Constantine devoted himself to Fie as her "knight and protector" upon being summoned. He calls himself her shield while allowing other servants (such as Romulus) to be her sword. Fie is ambivalent about this, and thinks he is a bit dramatic but nonetheless does appreciate his loyalty.

Fie was actually the first to allow herself to get attached to Constantine. She became quite shy and began to avoid him, but he caught on rather quickly. Their relationship is a pure, unconditional love with lots of comfort and angst.




Pollux (female) and Fie would have five hearts, but Castor pulls it back down to 3 due to his attitude... Pollux became friends quickly with her master, and they spend much time off missions together chatting and training. Fie enjoys Pollux's willingness to go along with whatever she wants, including strategizing.

However, Castor does not like to be apart from his sister, and thus unintentionally passes all of his off-mission time--against his will--with Fie as well. He maintains his distance from her, even avoiding calling her master. His true thoughts are shown on the battlefield, where he fiercely defends her alongside his sister.




Fie adores the young Cu Chulainn, unfortunately for him, as he is her cutest servant. Setanta hates getting affection and being babied by his master and often goes out of his way to show off in front of her physically and emotionally so she would recognize him as an independent adult. She doesn't care and frequently--uncharacteristically--calls on him to come to her room and cuddle.

Setanta likes to think of Fie as a casual friend due to their similar age instead of a real master. Although he dislikes the physical affection his master pushes on him, he does enjoy spending time with her and talking over their similarities.


James Moriarty (Lily)


The young Moriarty and Fie have kind of a puppy love + rivalry relationship. Moriarty is smitten with his master, which confuses him, as he's usually practical with no need for frivolous emotional connections. The two are both extremely intelligent with logical, strategizing minds...and he is very unnerved by their connection, acting awkwardly in her presence. He uses the guise of helping Fie with mission plans to be close to her, often pointing out cosmetic or minor flaws in her plans just to rile her.

Fie, in turn, likes to tease him physically and mentally. She enjoys touching his shoulders and thighs, which Moriarty is not used to, and interrupting his proofs to distract him. They frequently bicker until Constantine stops them.


Grigori Rasputin

alter ego

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Tomoe Gozen


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




Fie has been hopelessly in love with Odysseus since she summoned him, unfortunately for the both of them. She views her feelings as something similar to Diarmuid's love spot; there was no avoiding it. They have many things in common in personality and intellect, but Odysseus obviously still loves his wife, even on the throne of heroes.

The two get along very well despite this and excel in missions together. Fie trusts him closely as an advisor and friend. Odysseus has similar trust in Fie, but understands her deep vulnerability and wishes to protect her as more than his master.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.