Maverick the Genesect



4 years, 22 days ago


Cabinet Man
Lemon Demon

01 — Profile

Name Maverick the Genesect
Nicknames The Lavender Weapon
Age Over 300 Million years old
Gender Genderless (He/It)
Height 5'0"
Birthdate Unknown
Species Genesect (???)
Orientation Asexual
Occupation N/A

Status Alive(?)
Designer SuperSonic6299
Worth Not For Sale
  • Cannon MUST HAVE a hole in it.

  • Can be drawn with or without blood leaking from left eye.

  • Wrists MUST HAVE scars on them.

02 — Personality

Maverick is a creature of instinct and ego. If you make one wrong move, he will not hesitate to hunt you down to the ends of the earth. The circumstances which brought him to life caused him to develop one hell of a God complex. To Maverick, life is nothing but a game and he it's all-powerful puppetmaster. He thinks that if people don't play fair to get what they want, then why should he have to. Thus, he developed a pure hatred for people who try to in his own words "play God". Ironically, however, his massive ego does leave him open for others to exploit his power. Maverick will do whatever he can to kill or traumatize people who abuse exploits to get through life, leaving no trace of a person he deems unworthy of the gift of life. Overall, Maverick is a dangerous combo of a creature with "unlimited" power, yet having no morals with which to use it properly.


Type: Bug/Steel

Nature: Rash

Characteristics: Thoroughly cunning.

Lv. 100

Ability: Download


Techno Blast (Water-Type)


Flash Cannon

Bug Buzz

  • The color purple

  • Darkness

  • Himself

  • Abusers of any kind

  • Hackers

  • Cloned Pokemon (Espcially other Genesects)

  • Jack Stevens

03 — Background

"This time, I'm the one playing God!"

Maverick is an entity of unknown origin that takes the form of a glitched, macabre Genesect. Due to his anomalous nature and his literal God complex, Maverick has the ability to warp the fabric of reality in-game and can even jump into the real world for a limited period of time. In "A Crack In Reality", Jack accidentally grabbed Maverick's attention as a result of him using the DNS exploit in Pokemon White to obtain a Genesect. However, the constant repeating of the process caused something to go wrong. When the exploit was first used, several errors had popped up. Jack continued to attempt the exploit until it finally worked, but when he obtained the mystery gift, he received a password card that directed him to the P2 Laboratory. When Jack arrived, he found several pools of blood and that no wild Pokemon showed up when he wandered into the tall grass. Using the password "Stop trying to play God" allowed him into the lab, finding that it was also covered in blood and had severed Genesect arms on the ground. One of the still functioning computers detailed that Team Plasma had attempted to create Genesect much like they did in the normal game. However, this Genesect was aware of the fact that like the Plasma scientists, Jack had effectively played God with an innocent life and wanted nothing more than revenge. Soon, the living weapon broke free from Team Plasma's control and killed most of the scientists, as well as the Genesect clones that they were developing. Jack promptly attempted to leave the P2 Laboratory, fearful of what else he might find. However, he wouldn't get the chance as he ran into Maverick, who gave him a show of his power as he manifested in the real world, attempting to take the Pokemon player's head while stating that if he kills him, he'll finally know peace. When Maverick went for his killing blow, Jack blocked it with his 3DS, causing Maverick to fade back into supposed nothingness. He then proceeded to throw out every single one of his Pokemon games and destroyed the rest of his 3DS, hoping that the nightmare was over. But it wasn't. Maverick was still stalking him and knew that he need only bide his time. In "Dreams of My Deathly Cold Demise", Jack explains that Maverick had been haunting him for an entire year and in that time, he has become rather paranoid and apathetic. However, he soon discovers that the cyborg god was also having problems, the messages he often left scratched in the walls of Jack's house becoming more and more nervous. Soon, while dreaming, Jack finds himself in the P2 Lab itself and discovers the drained husks of multiple people and Pokemon before he runs into Maverick, who has been put into stasis. Or so he thinks, as the Genesect soon breaks out of his tank and is consumed by an eldritch horror that identifies itself as "The Void". Before he is slaughtered, the real Maverick saves Jack, pulling him out of the dream and manifesting in the real world once more. Maverick then explains that The Void is an old legend in the Pokemon world, acting as both a primordial darkness that would consume all life, as well a location that served as a dimensional nexus for all realities. Putting two and two together, Jack then realizes that his use of the DNS exploit was him using what was essentially an upgraded Void Glitch, meaning that he was responisble for setting The Void free and giving Maverick his powers. Maverick then suggests that they meet with a younger Pokemon player named Michael Hollander, who had also encountered The Void and had his own experiences with supernatural Pokemon.

04 — Trivia

  • Maverick has several inspirations, but the biggest is Shodan from "System Shock 2". Both exude an aura of extreme control and have massive God complexes, thinking themselves to be greater than anything, while ironically being originally created by humans to serve them. Also, both have a habit of calling their main adversaries "insect".

  • Maverick's name and design were heavily inspired by Vile from "Megaman X". IRL, a "Maverick" is a being that is completely independent and somewhat unorthodox. In the X series, Mavericks are the name given to Reploids who have been infected with a virus or have generally gone rogue, much like Maverick did to Team Plasma.

  • Maverick's canon voice is George Newbern (Sephiroth - Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts).

05 — Relationships


X's relationship with Maverick seems to be one built on circumstance. As they both have experience with The Void, they find that there is a weird bond they share.

Maverick claimed to not care about the thoughtform, but deep down knows that he would never want to let anything harm him. X was often intimidated by Maverick's presence, but feels that he means well and wouldn't let any harm come to him, knowing that he was as much a victim of The Void's machinations the the Pikachu himself.

"The Source"

Maverick despises Horizon, more specifically The Void itself for turning him into a monster and convincing him that the power he wielded was his own. With everything The Void has taken from him, he makes it his mission to destroy The Void at all costs.

Horizon considers Maverick to be quite the anomaly. How the Genesect is able to conduct the powers of The Void with such ease interest the eldrich entity, but also tinges it with slight apprehension. As such, Horizon is at most cautious about Maverick, but largely considers him a non-threat.