


4 years, 19 days ago


Psychotic. Insane. Hateful.
Name Void
Nickname The soul killer
Age Unknown
Height 6"7
Occupation Insanity
Sexuality Ace and Aro
Theme Song link
Designer Kalira_Star
    It's unknown where void first origninated from but it is said that they was created from the darkness from something mankind all shared...when void first was created, they seemed to be nothing but a small white and grey fox with a clear black heart marking on their chest, they were taken in by a child who deemed them as a pet, the child took care of void and showed them love as void soon grew up to be the size of a normal dog, that's when things changed...the child got aggresive, violent, as their parents would shout at them and leave the child with no way to release the anger except to put it on void, void was aware of a feeling inside of them growing over the time that told them to leave, it was too late. One day when void was sleeping, the child came in with a knife, the sound of the door woke void up in alarm but the child already had their hands on the animal as they began to carve through the fox's chest, all that escape through out the night was the terrorizing yelps and howls of an animal as they had a heart shape carved into their chest and straight through, the aftermath all but was just a corpse laying in a pool of black blood on the carpet as the child stood there with the knife, the heard carved piece of meat thrown out the window as black blood seeped from void's mouth and eyes, somethong wasn't right, the child knew that once they saw void twitch, confused what was happening as a new found darkness found it's way into void, their eyes black like a blackhole and the insides of his ears melting as the child tried to escape, void lunged at the child quickly pinned them down, their sharp teeth inches away from the child's face as void did not kill them then as the parents finally awoke to see void, void had other plans as he slahsed at the father's neck, blood splattering everywhere as void slaughtered the family in the night, laughing out in pure joy as the screams of their former family echoed through void's ears, as the years went by, families sooon wer ebeing reported of going missing, not a single trace of blood or footprints all except for a weird black substance inside the house...Void feels nothing as if their heart was an empty void that kept their emotions and feelings inside, filled with a deep hatred for any and all life, void wanted to see it go insane like they did, to burn up in flames as people cried in misery, he was insane, an insane being with a thirst for blood and bloodshed as void would stalk their victims, but wouldn't kill them til the last day, slowly but surely, the victim's knew something was watching them everywhere they went, they would get cautious but that soon turned into paranoria, they would isolate themselves or either try and get help, complaining of a "monster that was following them wherevere they went but they couldn't see it". It was always too late for the victims to get help as they would go mad from void, not only did they drive the people insane by stalking them, but it seemed as if they gave off the aura of insanity itself, driivng people mad if they were to stay by them for too long, the days they went insane is when they would kill them, void would go into the building's they were in and loom over them as they lost the ability to scream, unable to call out as the black fluid dripped over them as void slowly took the souls right out of them to feed theirselves, centuries went on like this, and they soon had an urban legend about void "The soul killer" is what they would call them, a person who would drive someone to the point of insanity and kill them in the night though no one really knew the true story, the true story of the embodiment of insanity except for one fateful little girl who would find out about void, and live..