Elliot Carter



4 years, 18 days ago


Gets nosebleeds often due to an untreated medical condition, leading his overly religious parents to believe he's a demon child. 

Name: Elliot carter. [never uses his last name, after his parents disowned him they told him he wasn't allowed to anymore]

Gender: cis male

Age: 13-16 depending on where in the story I’m drawing him. Usually 14

Height: 4'9 

Birthday: 19th October

Personality traits: Quiet, nervous, gets scared easily, awkward, paranoid, anxious, childish, caring towards the few he likes, overthinker, gullible. 

Family: Mother, Father, younger sister.

Time period/setting: 1960's, Utah. Lives in a covenant.

Languages spoken: English

Extra: The version of him with wings and a halo is more a symbolism thing. He’s human 


  • His cat ‘kitty’
  • drawing
  • springtime
  • flowers
  • Butterflies
  • pretty or cute animals
  • stuffed animals, dolls
  • picture books


  • Religion, religious people
  • Dogs (scared of them after being bit)
  • Father Klaus (priest from their church) 
  • Anyone touching him 
  • Adults
  • snakes, spiders
  • loud noises 
  • talking to people he doesn't know
  • Lamby talking to him
  • seeing things that aren't actually there

Physical features: Very skinny, hairs always messy, eyebags, covered in scars, lots of bandages and bandaids, crucifix brandings on his chest and wrist.

Fears: Dogs, God, father Klaus, snakes, spiders, the monster under his bed, his doll lamby which he believes is possessed 

Random information:

  • Gets nosebleeds very often due to an untreated medical condition
  • nosebleeds started when he was 8
  • pulled out of schooling when he was 12
  • Sent to live in a covenant at 13 
  • due to his heavy trauma, his mind is still very child-like
  • has the education of an 8-year-old, bad handwriting and spelling
  • Large cross-shaped branding scar across his chest and a smaller one on his left wrist 
  • Cries very easily  
  • has a three-legged stray cat he found and named 'kitty'. he named her after the main character from a storybook he had called 'Kitty gets lost', he thought she looked a lot like the cat from that book.
  • Very bad social skills
  • Underweight/skinny for his age 
  • Scars all over his neck
  • Both arms are bandaged almost up to the elbow 
  • Avoids eye contact 
  • says 'um' a lot, gets a nervous stutter sometimes, long pauses between his words when he speaks
  • doesn't hate his parents for disowning him, rather, he misses them and wishes they would love him again.
  • abandonment issues 
  • believes his dolls are alive and possessed by angels