Hotaru Hachi



Basic Info




He/him; they/them


17 years


June 13




5' 8"; 173 cm


157 lbs; 71.2 kg


pansexual, poly


dogs, taking really long naps, how drums sound


his step-mom, the movie Shark Tale, things that are slimy


skateboarding, playing the guitar (acoustic)

Mental Disorders/Illnesses





picking at his sleeves, chewing his cheeks


basically a mullet; dark brown, nearly black; wavy and down to shoulders


green; bags always under eyes, very tired


smooth; dark skinned, light freckling over cheeks, nose, shoulders, scattered randomly elsewhere; random little scars, one knee has a big one from a fall


broad shoulders, some muscle but not much (arms, has abs but barely, good thighs); average weight

Casual Clothing

combat boots or converse; hoodies or multi-layered jackets; white or black muscle shirts; ripped skinny jeans


sceptum, single piercings on ears - stretched (00)


Quirk Information:
Quirk: Narcotic Breath
The user has complete control on whether quirk is being used or not. By unknown methods, he can heat up the air in his lungs and breathe out a cloud of narcotic gas. The more tired he is, the more potent it is. The user is slightly affected by his quirk, but only at high potency. Lower levels don't really bother him. To keep his quirk strong, he doesn't get the most sleep. Overuse results in fainting and passing out. Low doses can put people to sleep, and high doses can put them in a deeper sleep. He can also keep them asleep by using his quirk while they are sleeping.
Drawbacks: He is not entirely immune to his quirk, and with such little sleep, he tends to be pretty sluggish.

Physical Appearance
Hotaru has quite the curly mullet, dark brown with some bangs that frame his forehead. His eyes, which always have bags under them, are a hazy green, fading from light to dark closer to the pupil. He has a noticable scar running across his nose from his dog, Pixie, and very pale freckles that, in most lighting, blend in with his dark brown skin.  He also has a scar across his first two knuckles on his left hand. He does have self harm scars along his arms, legs, and hips.

Family Relations
Hotaru grew up primarily with his dad and his two sisters, one older, one younger. His mother had left when he was born with almost no word to his dad, so she wasn't a part of his life. His dad continued to date after a few years, his younger sister being born, then he gained a step-mother for a few years. The relationship didn't last long due to the abuse he experienced from her, and it quickly returned to just being his small family.
His older sister and him were best buds, always have been. Meanwhile, his younger sister and him have a much shakier relationship that settles itself with mutual silence. He and his father get along, and his dad often works very hard to keep his son both around and happy.

Pixie - 2 year old lab/pit mix that serves as his ESA
Riot - 5 year old brindle shepherd mix, lives with his older sister
Stephen - 8 year old dark brown and white pit mix, lives with his dad and younger sister

Hotaru didn't always have it the easiest, nor did he really let himself have it. With his mother leaving quite soon, he got used to the constant new people he met while he grew up. But, for such a young kid, it quickly shut him down. He was a quiet kid, kept to himself, tried his absolute best to not be in the way or cause problems for anyone but his older sister and his dad - the only two people who really got to see his goofy personality shine through. As time passed, though, and when his father remarried, things started to get worse for him and his mental state. Middle school came around, depression swooped in full swing. He went in and out of therapy until he made it clear he hated going, especially after his new step-mom said some choice words about how he was a waste of time and money. But, his dad kept trying.
He got through middle school, but when highschool came around, things started to get worse. Common bullying, a growing dependence to weed, and a dying will to live started to really beat him down. After a couple of suicide attempts, a few hospitalizations, his dad decided to take a step to try and give him a reason. When Hotaru was 16, he was taken to the animal shelter to get a dog. That's when he found Pixie, just over a year old, a dog that looked like she needed help just as much as he did. Especially after she jumped and bit him, awarding him the scar across his nose. He took her home, and within months had a near model citizen of a dog. And, having her around helped. He quickly was able to get a schedule set for himself for her care, and he found comfort in the company that wasn't able to respond.
He was lucky enough to gain a few friends, most of them online, but they helped push him along, helped keep him sane. He was able to graduate highschool, then went on to college to start studying for pharmaceuticals while moving in with his friend (and the love of his life he pines over), just working to do his best to stay afloat and make it.