


4 years, 29 days ago


Name: Niko
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Obtained: Coloring Contest
Derb on his nose is named Drina
Derb on his tail is named Azin
Burntcookies made the lines for this bab and i colored them as an entry to a coloring contest
Personality: Calm kind always ready to help. Not a mean bone in his body.
Niko is very book smart. You could ask he dam near anything and he would be able to tell you the answer.
He loves his friends and also has strength to back it up. Will be there to defend his friends if need be.

Niko is a sweet boy and loves his derb friends. Often you'll find him belly to the sky watching his friends fly around. When they tire they will nestle themselves on Niko somewhere and sleep. Nikos love for these derbs has been the reason they are thriving today. Drina the one you see on his nose was found washed up on the bank of a rushing river. Niko didn't take a second thought and brought the exhausted little derb home. There he made a small nest of towels in a little box and took care of the little one round the clock. After a 2 days the derb made a full recovery and decided to stay with Niko his savior. Azin on the other hand was found caught in a trap with a broken wing. Drina had noticed the trap and told Niko about her findings. Quick as a flash Niko made his way to set the derb free. Once the trap was opened Azin thanked Niko and attempted to take off but his broken wing did not allow it. Collapsed on the floor Niko gentle scooped up the scrufted up little yellow derb and brought him home. With Drinas help they made a small wing brace to help heal his wing. Maybe a month had pasted before Azin could fly with no issues. Thankful for the help Azin and Drina left for a few hours leaving Niko slightly worried. When they returned they were carrying a small present in their beaks. Skillfully wrapped with leaves and twigs. Carefully opening the splendid bundle Niko was surprised to find an orange and purple polka dot scarf/bandanna. The cloth was made of the softest materials he had ever felt. Putting it on immediately he thanked his friends and asked if they wanted to go out for the day so he could thank them properly and treat them to a picnic. All in agreement they prepared a basket and left for their favorite relaxing spot.