


4 years, 23 days ago



Name "Rasha" Samson Sorek
DOB April 15th
Age 41
Gender Male
Height 6'7''
Class Noull Citizen
Race Puriton/Inferon
Role Last judge of the puritons


Samson Sorek was the head judge of the puritons, and a close friend of Sophia and Jundo Solaria. As a judge, Samson's job was to maintain the law. He wanted to not only protect the puritons, but all of Cerebral Island. Then came the shield...that awful shield. It was to blame for all of the events that were to come. Samson was a good judge by all means, a clean record, never letting any criminals get away; even if he felt that they should. Samson came to realize that law does not make life fair for most people. He learned this lesson the day he met that hydropholurk, a northern species who dwells in deserts. Hydropholurks are known for being thieves, and that's how everyone treats them. Though this one in particular, Samson felt remorse for. He was a father, a husband; stealing bread to feed his family. The neighboring race of accousticans are the ones who reported this hydropholurk, and Samson was sent out to deliver justice. He wanted to let him go, he truly did, but he knew that this would mean a law would be broken. Samson became conflicted whether to hold onto the justice he was raised to cherish, or abandon it for what he believed in. The hydropholurk was hanged later that day. Samson felt disgusted. The man was just trying to feed his family, he didn't deserve to die for the sake of this so called "law". Samson unfortunately knew there was nothing he could do about this. What could one man do to convince an entire island to see the world how he does? As he contemplated this, he began to feel something beckoning him. Not a person, not even a voice, but an energy. He traveled east, to the deep parts of the Forest Of Illusion, a sacred place said to be left by the gods of old themselves, the mystgons. Mystgons are creators, they craft worlds with their mere breath. Samson knew this, cautious to tread carefully on this sacred ground. That's when he found it. It was buried under many vines, branches, thorns, even rocks. Samson was bruised and cut by the time he unearthed it. It was a strange scale reptilian-like in appearance and it radiated immense power. Samson was fascinated by the scale, and came to a revelation. "The world looks in its mirror and sees black and white. I see things differently. I look between good and evil and I see things for what they truly are, gray". This led to only one conclusion in Samson's mind. "Without laws, people can coexist peacefully. I will remove any trace of law, and burn this world's justice so that we as a people can rise from it, stronger than ever before!". Samson took the scale and used his tools to craft it into a shield. It glistened in the sunlight and beckoned Samson once more to wear it, and so he did. The power was immense, Samson felt nothing like it before. His mind became warped and his deepest desires for change took full reign as he abandoned reason and he took on the name Rasha. Despite everything Rasha's closest friend Jundo Solaria wanted to help him, but Rasha refused to give up his ideals. In a flash, Rasha fled the village and from there the start of the Great Seven Year War had begun. Rasha began his plan to abolish law by gathering various parts from races all over Cerebral Island. Many villagers reported a vigilante sweeping across the many tribes, taking the bodies of both young and old, leaving their disfigured corpses to rot with only one or two body parts missing. Rasha used these stolen parts and made himself seven generals to carry out his dream. When the final battle came Rasha was nearly defeated. All of the Puritons turned on him, and his generals were destroyed. In a last ditch effort to bring chaos to the island Rasha attempted to take out the Puritons with a full power blast of energy. The Puritons retaliated with their own beams of light and the collision of forces caused and explosion taking them both out. Rasha eventually did come back, as an undead force with a head blazing like the sun with hellfire.


Home Puriton Ruins
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Sign Aries
Weakness Extreme Heat
Food Sunlight and moonlight
Family None



  • Philology
  • Anarchy
  • Justice
  • Heroes


  • Organized crime
  • Gangs
  • Guilds
  • Laws


  • The scale he found was supposedly from an ancient beast.
  • Rasha is an undead emotibeast. Emotibeasts who die go to the afterlife known as The Noull where they begin a transition into a new form based on how they died. For emotibeasts like Rasha who died in a fiery explosion of light, they become inferons which are skeletal figures constantly ablaze with fire. This is very apparent with Rasha's head.
  • He wishes Rage would join his side despite it all, he sees him as an apprentice.
  • His last words to Rage were to not let his ideals die as easily as his own died.




That's All 
Bloody Tears 
Scion's Dance In Purgatory 
Higher And Higher 
