


4 years, 20 days ago


Nimbus is a Poppy seed tea inspired Tea Imp, species by Polymathema At birth Tea Imps are little rolled up balls similar to jasmine, gunpowder, or blooming tea blends. These little pearls are usually spontaneously found in the back of tea cupboards, in mostly empty tea tins, and in old wooden tea boxes. Guarded by tiny ceramic figurines that usually come in large boxes of tea, these little balls of Tea Imp are kept safe until one of the many members of the Finders Guild tracks them down and takes them to the Nursery to be raised properly. Those Tea Imps who for whatever reason are not found by a Finder will inevitably begin to unfurl on their own, but they have a much rockier start of things and will usually develop a dependent and close relationship with the ceramic figurines that initially guarded them as a pearl. Nimbus is particularly fond of rocks and bottles, and is known to be a very intoxicatingly charming imp. He's a hopeless romantic by all accounts, and he's just trying to get it right.