


4 years, 20 days ago



4 years


Russian Blue Shorthair

Bi (?)


  • Member of Hellclan.
  • Works as their Medicine Cat.
  • Has a bit of an attitude.
  • Despite her slightly harsh nature and snappy remarks, she wants the best for everyone in her clan.

Design Notes

  • Right eye is blue, left eye is gold.
  • Left ear is a darker gray than the rest of her coat, as well as part of her backside and top portion of the tail.
  • Both front paws have lighter gray on them.


Hellclan is exactly what it’s named after: Hell. The territory resides in the ‘unwanted’ area no other clan dared to touch, leaving those who live there a small, messy community. The clan isn’t only small, but consists of a mix-match group of cats including Dirtpaw, a munchkin cat, his large family, Emberfrost, Seedbelly, Badgerstep, Stormstripe, and their leader Hawkstar. The territory itself is dry and constantly short of prey, located not too far from a deep forest. The area is also considered quite rocky. Cats who live here must be tougher than most to survive; willing to harsh the rocky grounds and dry weather constantly and living off of scarce food.

Blueleaf was born into a different clan to her parents Amberclaw and Mistfur, both prideful warriors of an unnamed Clan. When she was still a young kit, their clan had lost its territory in a battle against another clan, forcing them to scatter. Some cats regretfully joined surrounding clans, seeing it was the easiest way for them to survive. Bluekit had gotten lost at some point when they all scattered; fearing losing her own life during the fight. When she emerged from her hiding place, she found there was not a cat in sight. All that remained were bits of torn pelts and the scent of blood. She was left with no clue as to whether or not her parents even lived, and if they did, no idea if they joined another clan or opted for surviving on their own. With little navigation skills, she wandered away from the stream she had once lived near and eventually made her way out into the open, dry lands.

Being easily accepted into what she didn’t even realize was a clan, Bluekit was quickly renamed to Bluepaw and taught the basics she needed to know. She learned how to properly follow scents, hunt prey, everything she needed to survive. Although she greatly missed her old life, she figured she might as well stay with the cats who took her in. After all, she still wasn’t sure where she would find her parents or if they even survived. It wasn’t like there was a clan for her to go back to.

While able to get by in the harsh environment surrounding the clan’s territory, Bluepaw found herself drawn to various herbs used to heal small wounds. Over time, she began to collect some of these herbs, leaves, and other assortments to help herself and her fellow clanmates. Since the clan had no medicine cat (let’s just like,,, assume this literal hell-space is barely scraping by and therefore never even thought of a medicine cat. Hell, they barely have a leader), Bluepaw took it upon herself to become their medicine cat. From her time spent before her clan was forced to dissipate, she had only bits of knowledge of what medicine cats needed to do. She was only vaguely aware of their duties; knowing they weren’t much of fighters and didn’t take mates nor have kits. Something she didn’t know was that medicine cats needed to visit a specific moonpool to receive guidance from Starclan. She was also completely unaware of the procedure of medicine cats being named, and was named Blueleaf under a regular ceremony.

Currently, Blueleaf is training Dirtpaw to become the next medicine cat. She was a bit unsure of passing her teachings onto another cat when she feels that she hardly knows anything herself, but figured it would be best if someone else also carried the knowledge to help others as well. She tends to be a bit harsh on him, and they often have small banters over dumb things. Despite this, Blueleaf wants the best for Dirtpaw’s future and fully believes he’ll be able to help his clanmates when they need him.

More comin soon lol