AJ O'Connor



4 years, 1 month ago


... I was lightning before the thunder.

Key Info

Name Aragorn Jacen Prime Skywalker O'Connor
Age 20
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Resides ???
Species Werewolf
Height 7'8"
Build Slim but Built
Hair Black w/teal/pink
Eyes Left Blue, Right Green
Sexuality Demisexual
Class Unknown
Occupation ""Mercenary""
Alignment Neutral Evil


withdrawn stubborn explosive hateful lonely creative curious

Once an exceptionally hyperactive, egotistical, immature boy with a mouth that seemed to never stop running, AJ could hardly be recognizable now.

Although his anger issues have remained a constant in his life, AJ is extremely quiet and reserved most of the time. Long-repressed doubts and worries alongside mounting self esteem issues have culminated in him being a very depressed young man.

Absolutely refusing to talk about his problems to anyone unless he's absolutely sure it won't make it's way back to any of his family members, AJ otherwise keeps on a mask to try and seem the same egotistical bastard he knows others want to see him as. This does lead to bottling up emotions until he explodes with frustration, anger and hatred, usually in itself leading to physical altercations with the wrong people. and he has the scars now to show it.

Still, he tends to make assumptions about people pretty quick, so that usually makes him look like either an idiot or an asshole. As well, he won’t ever really apologize for offending someone unless he thinks they deserve it.

AJ has absolutely no time for anything even remotely romantic. Balking at the very thought of ‘love’, he has some very deep-seated issues that cause him to react violently when he gets a whiff of anyone close to him seeming to head into a romantic relationship elsewhere. This may or may not come from his father disappearing on him and his mother one day with no warning after he watched them together.

Extremely sensitive about his name, and his mother's insistence that she call him by the full one when he's in trouble, AJ tries his best to keep others from finding out about it.

Fortunately, AJ does have good qualities about him brought on by meeting others. Such as, he's exceptionally good at telling when people are uncomfortable, and while he has issues with knowing when he, himself, needs to Stop, he is always willing to step in when someone else is making someone uncomfortable.


Food Meat
Drink Soda
Music Rock
Place Mountains
Time Of Day Night
Misc. Video Games


Food Veggies
Drink Alcohol
Music Country
Place Plains
Time Of Day Mornings
Misc. Romance


Strength Mid
Dexterity Mid
Constitution High
Intelligence High
Wisdom Mid
Charisma Low