


7 years, 6 months ago


  • Naomi

  • Gender Female
  • Species Scented Pony
  • Type Earth
  • Scent Presents
  • Masterlist # 299

Gentle • Considerate • Warm


Naomi is a sweet and quiet mare who often puts others before herself. She does value her time alone and is not shy to taking mental health days. She seems to be at peace with herself and where she's at in life, often acting as a role model for her peers.

"Treat everyday like a gift."

Single Tail common

Regular Candles common

Gradient Tail uncommon

Obtained: trade

Value: $0 USD/trade


Origin of Scented Ponies

When Scented Ponies were first created, there was little known to them. Orion, the first of the Guardian Type, became the life source for Scented Ponies. By using their wax and the stars in their tail, they were able to perform the first aromatherapy ceremony. Scented Ponies are "born" through those ceremonies preformed by the spirit-like guardians to bring comfort and joy through their aromas to a specific area. Every Scented Pony is "themed" off of the area that they were born in. After Orion brought about more Scented Ponies, they began to evolve. Over time, the types solidified and became more distinctive; while some Scented Ponies were able to adapt multiple types to become very rare beings, called Fusions. Each type was assisted in their growth by their own Guardian. For example, the fairy type evolved its traits through the help of the fairy guardian, and so on!



[ friendship ] George is like a big brother to Naomi , always looking out for her and checking in to make sure she's doing alright. She does her share in taking care of him too, cooking for him and bringing him deserts whenever she visits.



[ friendship ] Naomi and Persephone appaer to have similar personalities but they are unique enough to compliment each other and fit like a puzzle piece. They often go on friend coffee dates or visit each other to just enjoy the silence and presence of the other, nothing much needing to be said or done. They are just comfortable and enjoy quality time.

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