
4 years, 13 days ago


Name: Arran

Gender: Male

Species: #Aksavals (Semi Open species by @digitalis.tea and myself)

Age: 20 Years Old 

Rank: Warrior

Rarity: Ultra Rare

Personality: Kind hearting gentleman. He can be stern but it’s for a good reason. Never raises his voice. Wants everyone to do well. Very loyal and determined.

Likes: Sleeping, sunbathing, fresh spring roots.

Dislikes: Storms


Arran is a warrior through and through. He always knew that was what he wanted to be and strived for it.

His first mate, Violet, was a fawnhood friend that he fell in love with and spent many happy years with. Sadly illness took her and he felt so useless as he watched her die.

Loyal to Aslan’s Father so hated Baron (Aslan’s Uncle). Was very proud when Aslan took his rightful place, afterall he mentored him too.

Has mentored many fawns and all have passed the Chase so he plans on retiring with a perfect score