


4 years, 12 days ago


Name Blazingheart
Former Names Blazingkit, Blazingpaw
Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Mentors Ravenstar, Olivepool
Rank Medicine Cat
Residence Shadowclan

Blazingheart is a large, heavy and muscular red-brown tabby Maine Coon tom with long, thick fur, minor scarring, and bright red eyes.

Design notes
  • The largest cat in the clans in terms of weight, height rivaled only by Ebonystar.
  • Even, large proportions throughout body.
  • Very expressive, fangs can occassionally poke out
  • Pronounced eyelashes

Blazingheart is a very extroverted, well meaning cat who is friends with just about everyone in his clan. He is very empathetic and kind, although not the brightest, and occasionally can be too oblivious or trusting. Blazingheart wears his heart on his sleeve... his... paw? and is quick to fall in love with just about anyone who gives him the time of day. He works hard to maintain a good relationship with every cat he can, with leaves him suseptible to being pushed around. He is reluctant to fight but will if he must, and is very eventempered. When angered, he will work hard to keep his feelings back, but if he reaches a certain point... watch out.

  • Pleasing and taking care of others
  • Herb sorting
  • Sunbathing
  • Rain and getting wet
  • Being talked down to
  • The ban on medicine cats having a family




BACKSTORY: TW for Parental emotional abuse and death

Blazingheart was born as Blazingkit alongside his littermate Ebonykit, with Ravenstar and Sunflare as his parents. Though Ravenstar would often be busy with leadership duties, she cared deeply about her kittens and spent what little time she could with them. Sunflare served as a dendad and would spend most of his time looking after the siblings, as well as the other kits in the nusery - Asphodelkit, Birchkit, Acornkit, and Mossykit, who Blazingkit got along quite well with.

While Ebonykit and Birchkit were strict rule followers, Asphodelkit and Blazingkit were as adventurous as a kit could be, and during one cloudy day when Sunflare dozed off, the two decided to sneak out and explore the territory. Things quickly grew dire as it began to rain heavily, and soon enough Blazingkit was swept away by the flooding river. Sunflare, who has awoken soon after the kits had left and was tracking them, dove in to save his son but lost his life in the process. Ravenstar was stricken from the loss of her mate, and never saw Blazingkit in the same light since.

Though he deeply wanted to become a medicine cat apprentice, Blazingpaw had begun training as a warrior under Ravenstar's mentorship. As a 'paw he was growing up to be clumsy and reluctant to fight, so his mother thought it would be best for her to train him herself, believing she would be able to mold him into a better warrior. What happened instead was that Ravenstar frequently found herself annoyed and disappointed by what she believed was his lack of drive and skill. She harshly pushed Blazingpaw to make him improve, but he could never be good enough for her standards and the rift between them grew further. While Blazingpaw originally craved his mothers love and approval, over time he grew jaded and began to resent her.

In spite of this, he found solace in his friendships with Asphodelpaw, and Auburnpaw and Juniperpaw in Riverclan. As time went on he became closer with Auburnpaw, and the two had puppy love feelings towards each other. They kept their friendship and budding romance hidden away from their clanmates, though many could see the change in Blazingpaw's demeanor when he would return to camp late with a cheery smile.

When Blazingheart got his warrior name, his relationship with his mother was comprised only of mutual hatred and disdain. While he had become a capable hunter and ruthless fighter, he found himself often looking wistfully at the medicine den. With Asphodelsong and Ebonysky joint at the hip, Blazingheart began to spend more and more of his time with Auburnshine - which became a risker practice as the divide between Shadowclan and Riverclan started to steadily increase. When battles began to break out, Blazingheart spent more time with the medicine cat Olivepool and his longing to become a medicine cat was revived to where, with Olivepool's help, he was able to convince Ravenstar to let him train as one. A dream come true, except... Auburnshine was now pregnant with his kits.

The two spent so much time riddled with anxiety that their respective clans were beginning to see something was up, and so as a solution Juniperstem agreed to pose as Auburnshine's mate and the father of her kits to avoid arousing suspicion. It seemed that now everything was under control for the time being before Ravenstar revealed that she knew of Blazingheart's forbidden family and was beyond furious with him. They argued heatedly, and in the end Ravenstar begrudgingly decided to keep his secret to avoid the shame of having to be known as the mother of a traitor - but if their relationship was bad before, it was irrepairable now.


Blazingheart is now the sole medicine cat of Shadowclan after Olivepool passed. He's stellar at his job, calm, cheery, and well-liked throughout the clan, ...but he still feels as if something's missing. With Juniperstem's updates on the kits and Auburnshine, Blazingheart isn't too isolated from his new kin, but with his romantic relationship with Auburnshine having mutually fizzled out, Blazingheart finds himself aching for love, but just can't seem to find it - even when it's under his nose.


  • Blazingheart was the second-born kit in Ravenstar's litter.
  • As a senior in the clan, almost every cat in Shadowclan has known him their whole lives, and every one of them appreciates him.
  • While he gets better over time, Blazingheart is initially very codependent, and is compelled to care for everyone extensively.
  • Like most cats his age, he has never seen or contacted Starclan, but still believes they exist.
  • He has um. Gotten around a lot. Someone come neuter him.

Hollowlight (Mate)

Blazingheart ADORES Hollowlight. He fell for them immediately, as he does, but he was soon to find out his love ran much deeper than his vapid crushes. Maybe it started off with his codependency and their paranoia clashing, but as things continued, Blazingheart realized this wasn't just him wanting to compulsively help like always, but he genuinely cared for them and wanted to give them the love they truely deserved. He's dedicated to them like no other, and will do anything in his power to make up for what happened to them.

Ebonystar (Sibling)

Blazingheart's relationship with Ebonystar is.... alright. Close as kittens, but growing apart as apprentices, they now have little connection and without knowing them or seeing their resemblance, it's hard to tell that they're even littermates. Both of them do internally long to be closer, but Blazingheart finds it difficult to confide in Ebonystar due to her closeness and likeness to their mother. Deep down he still loves her, but....

Asphodelsong Close Friend

Asphodelsong has been Blazingheart's friend since kithood. The two did everything together... for a while, until Asphodelsong became mates with Ebonystar. They were still friends, but obviously had less time to hang out, and less in common... but their friendship resumed its earlier strength when the couple split. Blazingheart has an idea of why, but they both agree to pretend that just never happened. Currently, they're still close friends that confide in each other, but Asphodelsong seems to really care about him. Almost like she has feelings for him or something. But of course not they're just friends.

Ravenstar (Mother)

As stated above, Blazingheart's relationship with his mom was. Not good. From it stems his need for validation and love, his codependency, some mild trauma... in general her treatment of him had a very negative affect. Ignoring their personal relationship, Blazingheart disagreed with her aggressive tactics and mercilessness towards Riverclan. When she passed, he admittedly felt more relief than sadness.

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