
4 years, 27 days ago


Name: Ajax

Height: 9'10 (head to ground), 10'6 (head to tail)

Gender/Sexuality: Bigender (he/she), Gay

Basic Bio:

The Drake of Rage, Ajax, is at her core, an angry Drake. She is quick to frustrate and doesn't do well in arguments. She is impulsive and bossy but she knows how to have fun as well, even if she doesn't know how to play gently all that well. It is also hard to gain her trust, but when you have it there is no going back on it. She is in a relationship with the Drake of Oceans, Marina, and found out they were soulmates only after both joining the material plane.

Ajax has access to Rage Magic, which entails:

  • Basic fire magic and basic earth magic (can breathe fire, can move the earth, and create structures)
  • When enraged, can use both at the same time to create magma/lava. Has minimal control over direction but can slow down or quicken the flow
  • Overuse of fire magic will give Heathcliff acid reflux for a few days. Overuse of earth magic will weaken the body and make it easier to hurt Heathcliff


Heathcliff - Bonded partner

Marina - Love interest