
Gender: Female 

Age: 26

Birthday: February 17

Merform Height: 6' 2"

Hair color: Blue

Eye color: Yellow

Tail Color: Blue

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Wizard/Mage

Loves: The Ocean Currents, Jelly Pastries, Golden Clothing

Hates: Loud disbelievers, Arson, burglary and destroyed property

    A calm and wise mage born and raised more in the calm suburbs of Aquinous. Her family were part of a religion that worships the elements that makes up the world, and the magic that flows through everything. Erika ended up getting coercion into the religion thanks to her parents. The good side was that it made her a much more charing person as well as control over water magic, while on the other hand she ended up becoming more serious and unable to take jokes while believing that everything the religious says is fact. She has now become one of the head mages of this religion and is often seen as a calm voice of reason, she can often be seen helping out people in need, community services, and even taking people in but often not spouting her religion's text in worry that she'll come off as trying to drag them into her religion by force.