Airis (Human AU)



3 years, 6 months ago


Airis Zethyr


Father is a rich and Powerful Buisnessman, mother left him and she has a step mom and two siblings. Her best friend is Will

Airis wear palm gloves because...well...its cool, and also purple contacts. She also dyes her hair purple, otherwise her hair is like a gray.

Airis is popular, but really smart.

Airis is part Japanese and American, though she only lived in Japan for around 4 years. Her mother was born in Japan, whie her father was born in California. She likes spicy food and hanging out with people who truly care about her. Her relationship with her brother deteriorated severely after the death of her older step-sister, Vera who commited suicide. Airis is scarliy good at hiding her true thoughts and feelings from other people, which is why most people can never tell when she truly is down. Her closest friend and ally is Will Charion, a childhood friends, who like her, is also the heir to one of the largest companies in the western hemisphere. They met at a conference between their parent's and have been close friends ever since. Airis thinks of Will as 'the older brother she never had', but gets mad when called his younger sister. Her brother, Neil Zethyr, is her older brother from her original mother, but she hates him eith a passion. Her brother is salty, as Airis becomes the sole heir to all of her families buisness and assets, and attempts many times to blackmail her with threats.