Leopold Kasprowicz



4 years, 30 days ago

Basic Info


55-ish physically


My notification accidentally sent before I could finish it
Hey there! I noticed Gavril's been getting some love recently, so I figured it was about time to crack Leopold open to the public oncemore, despite his current lack of content!

Harpy ship captain with a crew of less-than-inspired ex-cons working under magical contract!

Loots and distributes counterfeit goods from Earth. A bit too much bravado and a bit too little shame; Lover of younger men, prosperous gambles, and perhaps some hard illicit substances too. Gavril often steps in as his common sense after Leopold's ventures have gotten them into trouble.
Despite Gavril's contractual servitude to Leopold, they value each other deeply; Leopold leans on Gavril's conviction to manage his crew, while Gavril attributes his (limited) freedom to Leopold's ship, and chooses to dedicate his time and energy to it's smooth sailing. 

Though able to move comfortably on land, a foolish accident from Leopold's youth has rendered him incapable of flight. This is a fact he keeps quite secretive about, but not so successfully that those closest such as Gavril haven't figured it out. It remains an unspoken understanding, with Leopold avoiding situations where he might be expected to fly, and Gavril avoiding asking such of him.