Abigail Eland✨



4 years, 19 days ago


"Demons are not as bad as they say, worry about people, they are worse."


NAME Abigail Zorith (neé Eland)


AGE 16

BIRTHDAY 6 October 2003



ORIENTATION Demisexual/Biromantic

STATUS Alive???

RACE Halfblood



HEIGHT 1,73m(5'8)


ORIGIN Vienna, Austria

RESIDENCE Eloudour(Third Layer)


Abigail is the Emperor's adopted daughter and also Princess of Eloudour, being a halfblood, was of great help for / with research on her origin and also a great pillar for her peers. She is known to her people as someone of a very present critical sense, of great kindness and intelligence. After she was 17, she abandoned her old and unhappy life to rule Tenebris with her adoptive father.


Always trying to retract her emotions since childhood, Abigail suffers to be more honest with herself about her feelings, always with an indifferent mask for everything around her, she knows that everyone around her hates her in some way because she is herself and she learned to deal with this fact from a very young age. Even though she was quiet ,having an impeccable school record and the best grades in the classroom, she was always frowned upon by her classmates and teachers for the “way she behaved” and especially for the rumors about her that were spread throughout the school (some started by the mother herself).

She is someone with a strong sense of justice and very kind, and can become a great future leader if there is polish over her actions and the right people at her side. Abigail has learned to cope well under pressure and doesn't care much about pain, so she often acts recklessly for what she believes is right. Even if it results in torturing herself physically and psychologically, after all, she was used to things like that, right?



  • Light trim dresses
  • Shine crystals of Nebulae
  • Spending time with your family and friends
  • Coffee


  • The Sea
  • Sleep
  • Her past
  • Her biological parents


  • Her Cat Katto
  • Blue Things
  • Reading books in the castle library
  • Walk through the foggy fields of Eloudour


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et enim nisi. Sed commodo mi sit amet mi vehicula laoreet. Pellentesque hendrerit lectus magna, eget consectetur orci fringilla eu. Donec eu facilisis ex. Nam ut scelerisque nisi. Duis a velit a odio consectetur interdum. Donec massa augue, egestas non aliquam vel, semper at dui. In massa velit, iaculis eu lacinia in, malesuada sed quam. Sed tempus ligula vitae pharetra fermentum. Maecenas convallis velit nunc.


Nam tempus dapibus sodales. Sed facilisis iaculis malesuada. Fusce semper, urna eu hendrerit ullamcorper, ipsum odio scelerisque ipsum, vel scelerisque est leo id ligula. Proin rhoncus ut nisi ut semper. Phasellus scelerisque massa diam, sed blandit odio viverra non. Sed sagittis vulputate pretium.

Integer faucibus augue in faucibus facilisis. Praesent semper fringilla est, ornare viverra dui gravida nec. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec dignissim lobortis neque, nec aliquet nisl consectetur tincidunt. Aenean tincidunt varius sollicitudin. Cras sed nisl tortor. Suspendisse potenti.


Proin vestibulum tempus fermentum. Ut pretium libero at sapien eleifend, id lacinia eros venenatis. Nunc nibh sem, consequat a ipsum vel, congue ullamcorper nulla. Suspendisse in interdum ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin tempor, leo sed sodales hendrerit, neque magna facilisis lacus, et ornare diam elit sit amet enim.


  • Vivamus sed est pretium, pretium ipsum et, pellentesque nulla. Sed id lacus dolor.
  • Donec accumsan ex nec erat viverra interdum. Aliquam aliquam turpis at ex aliquet, quis porta quam iaculis.
  • Duis ut tempus sapien. In eu mollis arcu, sit amet tempus velit. Suspendisse vitae condimentum sapien.
  • Donec pharetra convallis dolor congue tincidunt. Nullam ornare cursus arcu non ultrices.


  • Vivamus sed est pretium, pretium ipsum et, pellentesque nulla. Sed id lacus dolor.
  • Donec accumsan ex nec erat viverra interdum. Aliquam aliquam turpis at ex aliquet, quis porta quam iaculis.
  • Duis ut tempus sapien. In eu mollis arcu, sit amet tempus velit. Suspendisse vitae condimentum sapien.
  • Donec pharetra convallis dolor congue tincidunt. Nullam ornare cursus arcu non ultrices.

Design Notes

  • Her right eye + all the extra eyes on her body have the black "glow", without exception, the only source of light in her eyes is the golden pupils.
  • The blue hair does not have roots of the natural color, since blue has become the natural color of her hair.
  • She always has one of her eyes covered depending on the occasion, she rarely has both of them on display ( Eloudour- left, Human Realm- right)
  • Respect the features she has in my drawings.






[Girlffriend] In mattis mi nec massa aliquam, et pellentesque arcu auctor. Nulla mauris dui, egestas non porta sed, porta vel odio. Suspendisse tincidunt massa eu erat imperdiet euismod. Proin vehicula nisi eu ipsum cursus dapibus et eget tortor. Quisque at leo sem. Nunc laoreet odio sit amet semper convallis.



[Bestfriend] In mattis mi nec massa aliquam, et pellentesque arcu auctor. Nulla mauris dui, egestas non porta sed, porta vel odio. Suspendisse tincidunt massa eu erat imperdiet euismod. Proin vehicula nisi eu ipsum cursus dapibus et eget tortor. Quisque at leo sem. Nunc laoreet odio sit amet semper convallis.


Emperor Zorith

[Father Figure] In mattis mi nec massa aliquam, et pellentesque arcu auctor. Nulla mauris dui, egestas non porta sed, porta vel odio. Suspendisse tincidunt massa eu erat imperdiet euismod. Proin vehicula nisi eu ipsum cursus dapibus et eget tortor. Quisque at leo sem. Nunc laoreet odio sit amet semper convallis.



[Mother] In mattis mi nec massa aliquam, et pellentesque arcu auctor. Nulla mauris dui, egestas non porta sed, porta vel odio. Suspendisse tincidunt massa eu erat imperdiet euismod. Proin vehicula nisi eu ipsum cursus dapibus et eget tortor. Quisque at leo sem. Nunc laoreet odio sit amet semper convallis.