


7 years, 5 months ago


Name ↠ Taiki Cooper
Alias ↠ TK, Tai, Beansprout, Kiki, Shorty
Gender ↠ No (he/him, they/them)
Age ↠ 30 years
Birthday ↠ August 10
Theme ↠ ...

Ethnicity ↠ Japanese / American
Height ↠ 4'7"
Weight ↠ 112 lbs
Build ↠ Muscular
Eyes ↠ Pale green
Attributes ↠ Messy hair, freckles, piercings, prosthetic left foot, scars down his back
Dominant Hand ↠ Ambidextrous 

Sexuality ↠ Demiromantic pansexual
Partner ↠ Single

Occupation ↠ Bear handler @ Pandora's Box
Likes ↠ internet, bears, black coffee, red bean paste, big macs,
winning arm wrestling contests against young men who think that because he's short he's weak
Dislikes ↠ talking, being in the middle of large crowds, 
being alone, being picked on for his height, burger king, wendys, 
chick-fil-a, pepsi cola, many many other things, getting liquid eyeliner everywhere,
Alignment ↠ Chaotic neutral
MBTI ↠ ...
Languages ↠ English, ASL, basic Japanese
Favorite Color ↠ Pastel purple
Favorite Drink ↠ 
Jack Daniel's
Favorite Food ↠ 
Red bean mochi
Favorite Animal ↠ 
Favorite Song ↠ 
Scar Tissue by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers


Taiki is the personification of the word 'bitch.' He's constantly snippy, argumentative, and ready to fight. This is also how he shows affection- a signal that he considers someone a friend is usually a punch to the shoulder/hip/whereever he can reach. He loves gossip and gently bullying people. 
His best friend is a bear, and he has a habit of befriending every animal he comes across. Taiki's very good at reading body language, both in humans and animals, but is unable to utilise it for most social interactions. 
Sometimes Taiki doesn't know when to stop, and absolutely needs a boot in his bratty little ass.
He also does not like people who he can't communicate with. Knowledge of ASL tends to boost you up his 'I like this person' ladder. 
He has no shame and tends to stay stoic in person, unless you make him laugh.


Taiki is tiny in every aspect of the word. He only stands at 4'7", and since he works at a circus and tends to be surrounded by 6'+ people, he can often look like a 12 year old. His fashion sense doesn't help- Taiki wears old hand-me-downs from Su and whatever he can get his hands on from the kid's section in Goodwill, meaning that he tends to actually dress like he's 12 as well. Not that he cares.
Taiki's hair is shaved on both sides, the top a curly mess that tends to fall in his face. His skin is tan and his lips relatively full. His eyes are sharp and a pale, pond-green, and his eyebrows are slightly darker than his hair, with scars on the right one. A notable feature about him is his prosthetic left foot, which looks eerily life-like. He also has a rash-like scar down his back.
Taiki has 17 piercings in total, although only 10 of them are easily visible.
For reference: Eyebrow, Dahlia bites, Nostril, Tongue, Lobes, Conches, Belly Button, Nipples, Prince Albert, Jacob's Ladder (four slots).


Taiki was born to a rather poor family, given up for adoption because his parents couldn’t afford a baby. He lived in foster homes until he ran away when he was 15; it’s unknown why he ran away. He lived on the streets and in and out of shelters until he was 25, when his birth parents reached out and he came home. They were still very much down on their luck, but they helped Taiki find a job, which enabled him to move out after two years... However, he lost his job due to him stealing animals who were going to be euthanised, and ended back on the street for a few months until he found the circus.
Taiki had snuck into one of the showings and was appalled by the treatment of the animals by the previous handler. As someone who spent most of their life around animals, Taiki bitched to the handler after the show, getting Faustus' attention. After proving his point by getting the bear to hug him within seconds of introducing himself, Taiki was hired as the new handler.
He lost his left foot during an accident when he was 20- he was straight up run over, shattering nearly every bone in that foot and leaving a rash-like scar down his back.
He spent all of his savings on the prosthetic.


❖ He’s absolutely stronger than he looks. Don’t underestimate him.
❖ Somehow, animals love him. His best friend is a bear.
❖ He only smokes American Spirits Turquoise.
❖ He’s selectively mute, has a cute laugh, and swears too much.
❖ He loves to butcher people’s names.
❖ His idea of making friends is gently bullying them. After knowing him for a bit, most people figure it out.
❖ He likes memes. Also is straight faced most of the time, making it hard to tell if he’s joking or not.
❖ Taiki can eat a LOT for someone his size.
❖ Can’t hold his alcohol.
❖ He mostly wears hand-me-downs from Su and whatever the other members throw at him. He does not give a shit about fashion.
❖ While people know a lot of trivial facts about him (one time he stole four cats, he hates literally everything on the arby’s menu, he absolutely sucked dick for money) he doesn’t talk much about his actual past.
❖ Has 17 piercings in total.