Toy Frelly Fazbear



Toy Frelly Fazbear is my oc based from Five Nights At Freddy's 2 of Toy Freddy Fazbear i originally made her from gaiaonline outfits and such but the artist have made her from there and i love them all i might not remember all the usernames on who made what art but let me know so I can fix it! <3

name: Toy Frelly Fazbear

nicknames: sweetie or brownie

gender: female

Birthday: 9/12/15 (the day i made her)

zodiac: Virgo

occupation: kill the security guard, and entertain children

species: animatronic/ human

Significant other: Crush on Nightmare Freddy (fnaf4)

Family: Toy Freddy Fazbear (dad), Toy Bonnie (uncle), Mangle and toy chica (Ants), puppet (big brother), and balloon boy (little brother) 

physical discribtion: 5"0, brown boot heels with a red clipping, cream and brown stripe stocking over knee socks, a skirt of gold and brown with brown ruffles on bottom, has a bear clip and a lace fishing net attactched to her tiny top hate (black color top hat with a red ribbon and a cream bear), a must with red cheeks, a big black bow for the front, with a long sleeve shirt (cream color) with long ruffles at the end of the sleeves, hair is long curled with cream highlights (main hair color is a dark brown), the eyes are 2 different colors the (left) is a bright baby blue (right) has a marking and is black with a white pupil, her lips are always either pink, coral, salmon, or beige brown, her neck is a robot part skeleton shown.

personality: very sweet, loving, caring, and very easily to be scared of if you get on her bad side.

Fandom: FNAF only

sexuality: Stright only

Voice: (but more of a animatronic voice to it)

setting: FNAF pizzaria 2

backstory: she was found in a locked up trunk in the basement of the freddy's fazbear pizzara and so the owner wanted to rebuilt her and to join the group after a while of knowing the animatronics toy freddy wanted her as his own kid and took her in with the rest of the gang wanted her to join.

ongoing story: still trying to become the best leader she could be since her family is falling apart but needs new animatronics to take over in there original place and to continue the tradition of a animatronic way, as well with facing her fear of asking her crush to be with her.

likes: sweets, scaring, children, songs, her hair, makeup, her crush and her family. 

dislikes: purple guy, the security guards, replacements, and water.

Strengths: scaring, killing the security guards, and protecting lost children.

dislikes: being alone, locked up, and being broken.

extra: she can also go with other animatronics as well but not balloonboy or puppet. and she supports LGBT rights but she will never be paired with a girl animatronic.