Roshni's Comments

Hi!Can I offer?

Sure thing!

Ok!!:D feel free to look here!

Or I can do art up to 15-20 in all?

I could trade for this char.

I accept!:D sending her over!

Thank you!

1 Replies

Would anyone in my canines folder interest you? Off limits: Kilo, Luma, Trigger. Id also be willing to throw in a feral canine or feline fullbody :D my art examples are here

Edit: I don't see anyone I'd use. I appreciate the offer though.

Anyone in the th account

if not I can do art

I didn't see anyone I'd use but I'll keep the art offer in mind. :)


This user's account has been closed.

I'd be interested in trading Roshni for this one. :3

This user's account has been closed.

No worries. :3

Hi! Do you see anyone in my TH that's not in the "my precious" folder that interests you?

Really interested in this kid. <3

hmm ok, how much is Roshni worth? I feel like if the difference in price is too big I cannot do the trade, hope you understand!!

I traded for them so unsure of their worth.

I see, I'll think about this, thank you!

RevlisFox hello! Are they open for trades? What are you interested in character wise?

They are still available for trade. I primarily have galaxy, spooky, and natural canid designs.

My apologies for being late, would you like me to authorize you and look through my account to find something?

Sure, I'm happy to take a look. :)

Most not tagged city center work with me in case you find any! :) otherwise, check the mayham system subfolder located in the chaos management folder.

You have a lot of great kids~ <3 I didn't see anyone I'd actively use though.