
7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


- comfort character -


Genderless, yet identifies as male and acts feminine


Antlered mustelid/ferret/cat hybrid



Birth date

Oct. 1st, 2006


Student, 11th grade, ahead of his peers in education, show choir and AP classes



Scooter is a god-like being that has been Earthbound for the past 72 years. After death, he is reborn into a new iteration of himself, but follows a new avenue of what his life could become. He is currently living for the second time, as his old body passed away 14 years ago. He was previously an antlered cat, and is now an antlered mustelid-ferret hybrid with some cat-like features. He is an extremely intelligent and kind-hearted student at a small Virginian public school, near Richmond. He is about 3 years ahead of his pupils, and is currently enrolled in AP Biology, AP World History Modern, AP Statistics, and English 11 Honors, as well as two show choirs (his school has two mixed choirs, and he serves as a double, participating in both). It is his third year in show choir, and he is very passionate about it. Currently, he is working on learning choreography, music, and perfecting his audition piece for District Choir.


Although Scooter excells in academics, he suffers socially and bears some mental disabilities. When he was young, he was emotionally neglected by his parents, which made him develop a mild case of Depersonalization-derealization disorder. This has made it very difficult for Scooter to make friends, and he is now selectively mute in public situations and isolates himself from others. Despite all of his hardships, he is a very sweet and loving person. He cares for people and dreams of discovering a cure for cancer.


- bitter tea

- people

- volunteer work

- dark chocolate

- photo and video editing

- feathers, beads, threads, strings, and other accessories

- mental health awareness


- public situations

- thinking too much about his future

- very sweet things (prefers Greek yogurt or cool whip over ice cream, for example)

- velvety fabrics and textures

- dipping Oreos in milk

- being called 'crazy'


When I received Scooter via transfer when I purchased him, nearly all of the artists' credits were wiped. Please let me know if you recognize A piece or want to help me identify them, so that the artists can be properly credited for their work!