Rusl Clover (Wingman)



3 years, 11 months ago


Rusl Clover / Wingman

General Info
Rusl Clover
May 17th
22 Years
Latino American (AZ)
Blood Type
Hero Info
Hero Name
Quirk Name
Heart Aflutter
Course Focus
Dorm Info
Dorm Number
Daniel Rodriguez
Phil Bywater
Hardlight Manifestation
sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough need to lay down and cry for a hot sec. 
― Rusl

Rusl Clover is a Reconnaissance graduate of Schuyler University. His wings quirk gives him an edge up in maneuverability and being able to share them with others normally means he's cooperating with others who are actually combat/rescue.

After graduating, he joined Eye Spy's hero agency.

Hero Stats

Hero Name: Wingman

Quirk: Heart Aflutter

Rusl can make anything grow wings by kissing it. The longer he kisses an object or living thing, the stronger and longer lasting the wings. An initial quick kiss is 1 minute, and about 100 lbs; every additional second adds a minute and 50 lbs to that time/power.


  • A limit of 5 minutes and 300 lbs on objects
  • Striking the wings causes them to disintegrate and lose time/strength
  • Rusl can only control the flight of inanimate objects. He can control a flock of about 30 very small objects all flying the same way, or about 3 moderately sized objects going in different flight patterns.
  • Any living thing can control its own flight. Rusl can be forced to grant wings against his will.

Primary Course Focus: Reconnaissance


During the villain assault on Schuyler, Rusl was thrown into a situation of having to rely on his fellows to survive. His lonewolf tendencies gave way to teamwork and command, and he was surprised when others actually listened. Being passive aggressive wasn't constructive or helpful-- and seeing others argue at each other was something of an eye opener. A betrayal among the students tested his resolve, and though it's a bit shaky at the moment, he's decided that teamwork makes a group stronger (acknowledging this and putting it into practice are still two different things however).

He's come to recognize the values in others' specific skills and abilities-- and suggesting ways for them to implement their skills in planning has made him more open to trusting them. While being in charge of planning has also given him a sense of security from being in control, he grows anxious on having to trust the skills of others-- as well as not having plans divulged. He's quick to roll over to other sources of leadership when they arise if he thinks they'll do a better job than him.

Without secure leadership however, he's prone to become anxious and flighty-- his sense of self preservation has skyrocketed after entering a relationship, and he has a difficult time dealing with oncoming depression. He's mercurial about the company of others-- jumping between preferring to have his back covered by others, and wanting to be entirely alone in the middle of nowhere.


Rusl was a sweet kid, eager to please and very agreeable. He discovered his quirk when he kissed his parents on the cheek and they sprouted big, bright wings! He was pleased that his quirk could be used to literally be uplifting to others. Though his laxness with distributing wings and kisses was considered cute when he was a tot, as he grew he quickly learned to become embarrassed about being so free with physical affection. This caused him to become somewhat shy during his middleschool and highschool years, though he was still amiable towards others. His desire to 'uplift' others continued to motivate him towards becoming a hero, though he began to be weighed down by others.

Rusl clung to the few people who paid attention to him despite his shyness, and time after time made excuses for them as they took advantage of his willingness to take on burdens for them. From homework to unpleasant jobs to messenger pigeon, he became slowly more and more stressed by the expectations of his 'friends'. One friend betraying his trust and abandoning him at a social event caused him to reevaluate himself and every burden he was taking on by himself. He became unable to see his friends as his friends, unable to read any gesture without trying to glean some ulterior motive from it, and became unwilling to put out extra effort to help others. It hurt his hero studies and motivation, and seeing the drop in his own performance sparked his depression into righteous anger.

His motivations twisted into wanting to become better than every self-serving hero out in the world, to stomp them down into their place. His original motivations of uplifting others was unrealistic, he told himself, because he couldn't possible bear all that weight alone. Soaring higher than anyone else sounded much more pleasant.

Summer 2019

Rusl broke out of his antisocial shell and made an impact early on during these events-- martyr-like and passive aggressive tendencies gave way to more responsible ones, and he was surprised to find himself organizing many of the tactical fronts of the students' efforts. Still, things were difficult-- betrayal caused many of these plans to crumble, and his role gave way to more of a support one as things stretched thinly. He's tired.

Summer 2020

Rusl found somewhat of a role as Recon's 'representative', relaying information and keeping the peace between Recon and the other majors. He graduated after the events of Spring 2020, and though he stuck around over the summer to help counter Jackal efforts, he's since silently left Schuyler to join Eye Spy.



Daniel Rodriguez

[ Boyfriend ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Phil Bywater

[ Roommate ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



  • hard candy
  • considerate action
  • optimism (in others)
  • honesty


  • people who are too perfect
  • selfishness
  • people who make a big deal out of kisses