Unda Axolotl



4 years, 1 month ago




A determined artisan that desperately wants to improve her self confidence.

Artisan (Painter)
Reef Village

✦ About

Although she may look like a complete pushover, once she has her mind set on something Unda will never let go. Have a conflicting view about her favorite novel? She'll give you 50 reasons why you're wrong and she's objectively right. The only thing in her way is her encumbering anxiety when socializing with strangers. While she has the passion and drive to overcome it she can't alone. Often times she uses her friends and family to fall back on before she can "settle into" conversations. Even then, conversations can be tough, finding herself stumbling over every sentence and not maintaining eye contact. Unda also hates clingy fabric as it irritates her skin.

In her downtime she either reads one of the many books in her dad's library, reluctantly plays with her little sister, or hangs out with her childhood friend Tang. Playtime with Lacuna consists of reenacting their favorite stories via LARPing, although Unda insists that she hates it she sometimes gets more into character than her sister. As for Tang, they often hang out at Tang's place and play Dungeons & Defectors or watch sci-fi podcasts.

As far as her work life, Unda is tasked with painting and finishing her father's creations to be sold around Reef Village. She has obtained her abilities by studying techniques featured in artisan zines and some basic hands-on training with her father. She takes her work very seriously and hates being disturbed while in the middle of it, thus she locks herself in her room until she's done.

Awkward - Timid - Confident - Snarky

  • Role-Playing
  • Leading
  • Quiet Environments
  • Loose Clothing
  • Plushies
  • First Impressions
  • Tight Clothing
  • Crowds
  • Defectors
  • Small Critters
  • Painting
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Adaptable
  • Persistant
  • Observant
  • Flighty
  • Flaw 2
  • Flaw 3
  • Flaw 4
  • Flaw 5

Voice Claim: Stephanie Komure

✦ Relationships

Ferveo (Father) She mostly respects her father's work but doesn't agree with his way of educating others, namely herself and Lacuna. Because of this, Unda usually gives him a hard time if she catches him teaching Lacuna about environmental disasters as she doesn't want her sister to suffer the same amount of dread that she feels on a regular basis.

Lacuna (Sister) On the surface Unda pushes off her sister's antics as she believes that Lacuna should be playing with kids her age knowing that she won't always be there to play with her. Unda sees great promise in Lacuna's creative abilities but wants her to treasure her childhood first before plunging herself into the family business.

Tang (Best Friend) Having known him since childhood, Unda knows what makes him tick and likes to play stupid to make him nervous. This is often met with passive aggressive retorts which then devolves into them laughing it off and going into a completely unrelated conversation. Unda also acts as a support system for him when faced with adversity over his gender orientation.

Vice (Acquainted) Initially Unda is horrified of him and uses Tang as a shield, refusing to look at him at all fearful that just a slight glance will make him want engage in a fight with her. With time as she notices his insecurities and passion she starts to sympathize with him.

Hermes (Acquainted) Although weirded out at first and her distaint towards his inability to understand personal space, Unda takes fascination in Hermes being the first Aerialing she's ever met.