


4 years, 11 days ago

Basic Info

Original Value

WTA (giveaway only)




Owner: Dragonpuddle                                          Species: Granthrow
Name: Daelyn 
Age: 8
Birthdate: April 1st, 2019                                                               Upload Date: August 9th, 2020
Sexuality: heterosexual
Gender: Male                                                                                 Status: single

Parents: N/A (adopt)
Cubs: N/A

Personality: Fairly social and friendly, he enjoys making new travel buddies and will be happy to chatter with just about anyone. Surprisingly quiet and is an excellent hunter - when he wants to be. Often called lazy as he enjoys fishing more than 'true' hunting, but is about as easy-going as his adopted 'little' brother, Astra. It takes a lot to make him mad, but when he does, his temper flares white-hot like a volcano. He refuses to allow anyone to bully him, his brother, or anyone he sees and he will get in the way if he sees someone being abused - even if its unwanted. Dae still has a tendency to 'borrow' things, tools and such from other grans, leaving a freshly-caught fish in its place as payment - the highest form of offering he could give - and will always return what he took when he's done. If it breaks, he will replace it, no questions asked.

History: Raised with just his father and uncle on the southern fringe of the desert, Dae is not the most studious of grans. The two bachelor brothers didn't seem to quite know what to do with a cub, but Dae never minded the long periods of time he spent alone. He learned to share with everyone they came across and his uncle was constantly borrowing things from the nearby packs. Dae didn't understand the concept of a pack and territory until he was nearly six. He tried every single time to get to know the packs as the trio passed, but most ran them off after a few days. It took nearly a year of following other granthrows and attempting to stalk his uncle before he realized others did not think the same way as his sire. In an effort to understand better, Dae spent a good few months retrieving everything his uncle and sire borrowed and taking it back to the owner in question. His father discovered what the son was doing and tried to stop him, but the argument turned into a full-blown fight and Dae still carries the scars from that encounter - he never saw his sire again and has mixed feelings about the whole confrontation.

Dae wandered a few months on his own, trying to find a pack to fit in with, but his natural tendency to not do more work than he had to (ie...hunt as opposed to fish) and to constantly borrow things (though he tried to be aware that just because it was sitting in plain sight didn't mean he could use it) caused them to chase him off more often than not. Dae's temper flared more and more with himself as the year wore on and his naturally cheerful self was suppressed and in danger of being destroyed.

Luckily, Dae was fishing and yelling at the trout that got away when a sleepy kube, Astra, wandered past and promptly invited him to take a nap in a nice patch of sun after sharing his catch. Dae shared what paltry fish he had in return and the two became best of friends almost instantly. They shared stories and laughed at the antics of younger cubs and neither wanted the day to end, talking long into the night. Dae ended up telling his new friend everything and Astra had some surprising insight, calm words that helped the red gran cheer up. A year later, they ran into one another again and renewed the friendship, but this time, Astra invited Dae to join his travels. He discovered Astra's other 'best friend' Hyperion, but the two have yet to form any sort of relationship beyond glaring at one another across a campfire.

Random facts: 
--- He loves fish and will do anything for it. Anything.
--- Has a pet opossum named Ringo and a tonttu named Jiang Chi.

Stats: STR – 2 | RES – 2 | WIS – 3 | CHA – 2 | DEX – 6
Traits: Ears: C | Tails: C | Fangs: C | Size: UC large | Eyes: C
Mutation: N/A                                                                         Special Base: N/A