


4 years, 19 days ago


Name: Menelaus | Gender: male | Pronouns: he/him | Age Range: appears as late teens | Orientation: undecided | Relationship Status: Single

As an Infernals, Menelaus is related to both of my other Infernal viscets. Lonan is the closest related, and technically Menelaus is Lonan's uncle (as  Menelaus's dad is Lonan's grandfather) However, Menelaus is quite a bit younger than his nephew. Remy is a great-niece. He is one of the few of Infornos's (Julius's) direct children left-- and by far the youngest. Most of his siblings have long since passed away, and Juilus is very protective of Menelaus because of this.

Like the other Infernals, Menelaus is supposed to be an embodiment of a  "deadly sin"-- his being wrath. Most of the time he's actually really timid and sweet though. He doesn't have any kind of bad temper... until he has a reason to, and then he's a force like no other to be reckoned with.

Unlike most Infernals, Menelaus is fascinated with mortals-- which is probably why his father won't let him go to the mortal plane (Julius is always saying that Menelaus is too young to go off on his own)

He's so much younger than his siblings because Julius was afraid to bring his Wrath into the world, but it seems so far that Menelaus is usually the most chill and level headed of his children-- least like his sin until he is angered.