


7 years, 4 months ago


An edgy-looking trainer that acts tough but is actually a big soft himbo, he's still stuck in the "cool" visual kei phase and acts as he's hot stuff, but gets flustered pretty easily...he a softie and a bit dumb lol 

He comes from Veilstone in Sinnoh because of his father's job (a man hailing from Celestic and expert in mythology, hired by Team Galactic as a researcher), but since his mother is from Johto (from Ecruteak, met Youta's father at the Sinjoh Ruins because she's also a mythology researcher) Youta had access to a Cyndaquil as his starter ---he was pretty smitten with the lil buddy from the get-go, and even now as an adult he tries to match look-wise with his Typhlosion (Youta's hair are actually red, he dyed them to better match lol)

Youta is now a wandering trainer, travelling through regions to understand what he wants to do with his life (he's the kind of young adult who feels lost and has no clue on what to do, especially since he has expectations to follow his parents' footsteps but doesn't feel right in them).
In trying to find his purpose he actually really enjoys being of help to others, be them trainers or not! ( he still gotta keep up his bad boy facade tho's not like he's going out of his way to help you nope, just happened to be there and with the means to be helpful yes)

Will make his profile all pretty and detailed in the future!
He's also a good friend of krisseajelly 's Tanis! (blurb courtesy of Krissy ♥)
"Tanis and Youta met at a piercing parlor and immediately realized they had a lot in common.  Youta introduced her to his mom to talk about legends and myths, sacrificing his sanity to his mother's teasing.  Tanis, who loves to explore anyway, would often invite Youta along.  While he would deny helping her and that he was doing it for himself, all the proof says otherwise.  They're very close and become best friends fast."