Quill & Nib [Pupouches]



4 years, 18 days ago


Quill is a rather animated fellow, being quite excited to get into anything and sometimes even finding himself in a bit of mischief. However, he appears to be rather quiet, silent even. Many would even consider him to be mute. This, however, couldn't be further from the truth. In actuality, he instead lends his voice to his tail, which he puppets and has refer to itself as "Nib". If you look closely, you may even spot his mouth moving during the act. "Nib" acts, rather ironically, as the voice for Quill, "speaking" up for him whenever speaking is necessary. Even so, the persona put on for Nib is quite a bit more brash and blunt. Nobody's really sure why Quill does this, considering he could simply speak normally.

Quill's tail is nearly identical whether right side or inside out, the only difference being the "tongue", which becomes a "tail" of its own when reversed. He also strangely has pockets, which while they aren't actually very deep, Quill will opt to stuff a long, thin scarf or similar object in one to pull out whenever he feels that it's apparently necessary.