Ember Lynn



4 years, 23 days ago


Name: Ember Lynn

Age: unknown (but has the appearance of a 16 year old)

Species: Human/Alligator Mutant Hybrid 

Height: 5′2 (Mutant form: 5'4)

Weight: 135 lbs (Mutant form: 152 lbs)

Homeplanet: Earth

Hometown: Alloy City

Occupation: First year student at the BSI. (Biochemical and Science Institute) And Ex-Government Agent Vex.

Personality: Ember has a very quiet personality but push the wrong buttons, you’re dead.  She aslo has a sudden fear of exposing herself for who she is, struggles with anger issues, hides her insecurities through her alter ego Vex. She also fears of being rejected and seen as a monster. 

Backstory: Ember Lynn was born on September 6, 1995 in Alloy City to a young couple who were in their early 20′s. Unfortunately, she was a result of an unplanned pregnancy and her mother had given her up to a foster home, whom later was adopted by a scientist working for the government posing as a normal civilian. When she was 5 years old, she was then used in experimentation to create a biological weapon to take down terrorists, invaders, or any enemy of any kind. By the time she was 16, she could no longer age due to the many experiments she endured causing her to slow down her aging process. When she is not experimented on or trained in combat, she was then used as a sex object by the local scientists. They would constantly rape her and have her perform sexual activities, with no regard on what the government says. Eventually, Ember had her memories erased and was placed in another foster home, in which this time she was adopted by a strictly religious mother and father. They would force her to confirm to Christinanity as it would make her a better person, but Ember wants nothing to do with it, and starts to rebel against her foster parents by going goth. She eventually was able to convince her ‘parents’ to enroll in the Biochemical and Science Institute who was a bit skeptical at first but gave in anyways. However, upon arriving at BSI, she begins to realise that is was probably a big mistake since the only thing she hates more than her parents is…. working with other people.

Now as months go by, Ember is slowly coming to terms with her mutant side and is slowly accepting of who she is. With Marcus's help, she hopes to not only unlock the secrets of her past, but as well as looking for a way of starting a new life without any troubles or pain.